Lib Media Lament the Mounting War of Red States on Blue Cities – IOTW Report

Lib Media Lament the Mounting War of Red States on Blue Cities


Once parents began to clash with school boards over sexually explicit books and biological males in girls’ restrooms, conservatives realized how important down-ballot elections are. They began to run for secretary of state so they could oversee the next election. In short, Republicans are turning municipalities around, and Mother Jones considers it a “war on blue cities.” More

16 Comments on Lib Media Lament the Mounting War of Red States on Blue Cities

  1. gee, doing what the D’rats have been doing for decades …. boo frickin’ hoo

    it’s aways been a given, in our local paper, that they never published party affiliation for school board candidates because the school board members were ‘above’ petty politics (& all school board members were all … surprise! … D’rats). this year, the county republican committee, for the first time came out, took out ads & endorsed candidates for the school board & … surprise! … those candidates won both open seats.

    tide’s a turnin’, bitches!

  2. So when conservative voters vote, and get their guy elected, and that guy does what he told the voters he was going to do, it’s… WAR. Friggin’ drama queens. It sounds more like democracy o me.

  3. Accuse your enemy of that’s which you are guilty.
    It’s not the protest, it’s the reaction they’re looking for.
    I would bet that most of the displays of Dem agendas, have had paid instigators.
    Just think how much money has been spent on promoting racism, LGPTQ-XYZ, in the last >2 years. One could view all of it as baiting.
    What could possibly go wrong with pissing off ALL the conservative gun owners?

  4. Take a deep breath, the war hasn’t even started yet you commie BITCHES!
    When it does it won’t take long before you’re grabbin’ your asses and asking for forgiveness!

  5. Fuck the dirty motherfuckers sideways. They are fundamentally incapable of leaving others alone to barbecue fucking hamburgers in their own back yard. They have designs on making our children their sex toys and feel put upon when told to stay the fuck away from our kids. The subhuman pieces of shit can suck my ass.

  6. WILD BILL, I’m sorry but our votes don’t mean shit! We don’t control the machines that count the votes and the army of commie useful idiots to bring in the fraudulent votes. Not until blood runs in the streets will we be free again. I’m sorry I’m so old I’ll miss the fun!

  7. “I use to read Mother Jones almost religiously in college. ”

    I’m old. I mean really old. There’s like me and dirt. Mother Jones originated as a pro military site.

  8. Funny how the left is up in arms against DeSantis & Florida, calling him tyrannical, yet some on our side call him a RINO.

    Hmmm, quite the juxtaposition…
    Something just aint right?
    For a RINO that SOB kicks ass like no other RINO in history.

  9. The Libs have been doing this for Years. Research the “Secretary of State Project”; it’s where Soros and the Libs priority was to get Libs elected to all the Sec State offices so they can control the State’s elections. They hate it when beaten at their own game.


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