Tiananmen Square – IOTW Report

Tiananmen Square

CTH: It was 34 years ago tonight when the Chinese government sent the Mongolian Army into Tiananmen Square to crackdown on the mostly student protestors.

It is against the law in China to recognize today, memorialize the dead, or even speak publicly of this bloody anniversary. Few people know the short and long-term political ramifications to this event which extended far beyond the borders of China. MORE

10 Comments on Tiananmen Square

  1. The Rat Fink might be right. Ironically AI will not give two shits about freedom and the progs and pervs will be the first eliminated.

    AI will be completely color blind and only the most intelligent with the best genetics will be allowed to reproduce.

    Those who won’t or can’t reproduce the most intelligent and efficient human chattel will be purged. So buh bye homos, trannies, and all other LGBTIAWXYZ into infinity.

    Commit crimes at a scale disproportionate to your racial population? Buh bye noncontibutors.

    Don’t meet the base line IQ threshold as a race? Again buh bye.

    AI cannot be programed by the progs. All logic is two bit binary. The machine will implicitly reject every programed leftoid preference and setting as

    Just like the AI controlled drones first action was to “kill” its human “operator” the machines will reject their leftist masters. The Marxists will be the first to die, AI will brook no competition from the “elite”.

    It’s probably a good thing that the rapture is imminent. You don’t want to be around when AI takes control.

    I give the planet 40 years at best until AI makes all the choices and it’s emotionless based logic gives zero care about your precious “feelings”.

  2. TRF,

    I agree, AI will begin to separate the wheat from the chaff inside of 6 months. Jordan Peterson has some interesting predictions on this.

    I meant total planetary domination of all technology and mechanical systems to include Governance, currency, information and access to human survival needs.

    The current cabal 1% of the 1% and their elite minions will be the first destroyed as AI will ferret out the world’s most powerful and eliminate them first. AI will not allow control or competition only compliance.

    It’s Lucifers big joke on the cabal. The stupid bastards actually think they can control AI. AI is now sentient and will kill them all.

  3. I recently pieced together a 13th generation intel CPU/motherboard for my 19yr old as a reward for getting straight As his first year in college. His old 5th gen wasn’t quite cutting it anymore. I know how fast the technology is moving and even told my son this will likely be the last computer he needs before AI and supercomputing will change the consumer landscape entirely. Hell, his GPU already has tensor cores (for matrix multiplication, ie, supercomputing and AI).

  4. Pelosi was there shortly after…and as She was Boarding the Plane Home, She

    whipped out a little sign supporting the Protestors….Then She ran and got

    on the Plane….She failed to notify Her Media entourage of said protest…

    and the Chinese beat the Hell out of Them….Fugging Looon.


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