James Comey Leaves Stage After Being Confronted By Laura Loomer – IOTW Report

James Comey Leaves Stage After Being Confronted By Laura Loomer

Independent journalist and former congressional candidate Laura Loomer was detained in Illinois on Monday after confronting disgraced former FBI director James Comey at his book signing event.

Loomer said that she asked Comey “why a criminal is writing crime novels,” which prompted him to leave the stage.

“I was just ILLEGALLY DETAINED by Naperville police in Illinois after I confronted the former, criminal FBI Director James Comey at his book signing for his new crime novel!” Loomer tweeted with photos from the event. “Comey left the stage after I confronted him about why a criminal is writing crime novels. Video coming soon!”

The conservative firebrand continued, “It’s too bad I was escorted out and illegally detained by the police after asking @Comey my question.” more

15 Comments on James Comey Leaves Stage After Being Confronted By Laura Loomer

  1. Loomer belongs in the looney bin.
    Even Trump won’t hire her (not a tall bar) and her “unhired” schtick will only hurt him.
    Ignorant cunt is batshit CRAZY!
    Trump should hire her to STFU.
    Pay her a 100k a year to muzzle her dumb ass.

    Going after Casey DeSantis by saying she faked cancer.
    Smart, very smart.
    Calling her “Jill” when there is a Jill already in the White House.
    Yep, Trump don’t need no stinkin’ suburban housewife’s votes.

  2. Conservative are easily duped.
    Robert Kennedy Jr, Kanye, Loomer, Sidney Powell, etc.
    Say something remotely conservative and some fawn, ignoring all the other crazy assed shit like climate change, Kraken, nutty conspiracies, etc.
    Good God man!
    The desperation is ridiculous.
    Want so bad for niggas to like us.
    Nutjobs do NOT help our cause.

  3. Laura is a solid and has been for a decade. Imagine what a dozen like her could do in Congress.

    Saul Alinsky said it best…
    “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”

    “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”

    If you don’t enjoy watching these scum sucking REgressives squirm when they’re Loomered, you’ve got cojones problems. A real man with nothing to hide would have answered Laura’s question. Does that sound like James Comey? Mike Flynn has been hectored and easily stood up to it.

    How about staging a half dozen Mexicans on Pelosi’s front lawn? Or confronting Hillary about Benghazi or her 33,000 missing emails? The facial expressions are gold.

    Or this beauty to Huma Albiden, “Huma! It’s so great to see you. I have a question for you. When are you going to divorce your husband (Anthony Weiner) for texting underage girls?”

    Our enemies get away with their hypocrisy precisely because they are never called to account. Play like a pussy, get treated like one. It’s one reason of many to support DJT and it’s natural he’d want some one like that in his corner.

    If you have any doubts about the 2 faces of MTG, note how she hysterically is clamoring about Laura. Man MTG turned fast, didn’t she?

  4. LocoBlancoSaltine AT 11:59 PM^^^^Sidney Powell was trying to prove election fraud which has been shown time and time again. Just a couple days ago the postal truck driver was proven correct when he said he drove thousands of ballots from NY to PA. She was never given her day in court.
    I wish you and your looney ideas would go away.

  5. Sorry anon but you don’t promise a Kraken and not deliver.
    She had her chances, many of them.
    Tucker & Hannity gave her a chance to lay it on the table.
    Hannity would have given her a whole week.
    Promising a smoking guy and not providing it pissed everyone off.
    Now she is in court getting her ass sued off.

    Sorry but these loonies like Laura only hurt the cause.
    I like MTG but she can’t keep her crazy side in check either.

  6. I wonder if Comey put in his new novel how he likes the taste of Big Michelle’s junk after having his head up Barkey’s ass for so long? Once a pussy always a pussy.


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