Medications Blamed For 12 Year-Old Girl Stabbing Her Little Brother to Death – IOTW Report

Medications Blamed For 12 Year-Old Girl Stabbing Her Little Brother to Death

Breaking 911-

Tulsa Police have made public the body camera footage capturing the aftermath of an incident from January. The footage depicts the arrest of a 12-year-old girl who stands accused of fatally stabbing her 9-year-old brother.

In the video, the girl can be heard questioning the officer, expressing her concerns about potential legal consequences.

“Am I going to jail?” she asks, acknowledging the severity of her actions. “I stabbed someone. That’s bad, that’s really bad.”

Meanwhile, law enforcement officers detain the girl, and her brother is swiftly transported to the hospital. He succumbs to his injuries at the hospital.

Amidst tears, the young girl pleads, “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry. […] This is some demonic shit.”



19 Comments on Medications Blamed For 12 Year-Old Girl Stabbing Her Little Brother to Death

  1. There is more to this than presented here. Poor kids. Mother was into hard drugs while pregnant with girl but said she quit immediately upon finding out she was pregnant. Ex-husband and boyfriend total scumbags, so the children were around that as well. Horrible.

  2. I can’t imagine what this mother is going through, but I have followed this fairly closely because it’s about an hour from me.
    This mom and family have told different stories, in one of her stories she said her kid had been put on ADHD medication two years ago, but then she started homeschooling her and she no longer needed it.
    In another story she said she said she had been on ADHD medication, but had recently been taken off of it.
    Then in another story she said she had been on it, then she quit giving it to her, and recently started giving it to her again.
    Then there have been some family on facebook that claim the mom is a druggie and believe the kid got into mom’s drugs. Then other family members have said the kid had been getting in with the wrong crowd and experimenting with drugs. Then there are some who have also said the mom pretty much made the girl be the mom to the kids, always leaving her with that brother and another brother that is a toddler all the time.

    I am not a fan of medicating kids and think the majority of them are just told they have ADHD because they expect them to basically sit in a classroom 8 hours a day, with two 10 minute breaks, during the day and a 20 to 25 minute lunch. IMHO they’re kids who need to run off their energy and even at home people don’t allow their kids to be kids that go outside and play.

    I however don’t believe it was ADHD drugs. I don’t know if there’s truth to the mom being a druggie or the daughter experimenting with drugs. I do know the area they were living in is not the best area.

    The mom wants her in a psychiatric hospital and doesn’t believe she should ever go to jail. Again I feel sorry for the Mom, regardless if any of what family has been saying is true, but call me a hard ass, but I don’t think anyone who takes a life, whether they were crazy or on drugs, or whatever needs to be out on the streets and they should pay for their crimes and I believe at the age of 12 you are old enough to know it’s not okay to stab your brother or anyone. Whatever they do to her it will only be in juvie, because she’s a year younger than the age they can charge them as an adult in Oklahoma.

  3. @Old Racist White Woman
    the reason so many kids are on adhd drugs is because the public school systems get more funding when the kids on their dope

  4. Sad. Just sad, but nunyo is right about the ADHD drug issue! It is monumental! Get the kids started (hooked) early and keep them medicated for the rest of their lives!

  5. The brother probably told his sister that he was going to tell mom some smack on her. If you have a sibling, we all know about sibling rivalry.

  6. She needs to go to jail for a long time. Her vocabulary F- F- F- tells me that she’s a whole lot wilder than she is acting in this video. She needs to pay the price for taking a persons life.

  7. Let me put this question to ya’ all: How many pseudo parents have you ever come across who use ADD/ADHD as a universal excuse for shitting on others, who’s supposedly ADD/ADHD affected offspring don’t know exactly where their pot and cigarettes are at all times? ADD/ADHD is used to explain away their actions, but the fact of the matter is they are straight up narcissists who have absolutely no concern for anyone or anything except themselves.

    The neighborhood I live in has a high end grocery store in which the bored pseudo housewives shop and compare notes. These are the proverbial wives of doctors, lawyers and Indian Chiefs.

    This “mother” appears to have been more concerned with feeding her druggie lifestyle than being a mother to her children. That does nothing to mitigate the actions of the daughter. My inclination is she subscribes to the notion that envy and resentment is not a cardinal sin, that she bought into it and the resentment it breeds are the cardinal virtue the progressive movement paints it as.

  8. … and you bet your ass the medications contributed to this.

    I sit on the commuter train an hour and a half daily and have overheard face to face and phone conversations in which the ADD/ADHD cult members discuss amongst each other their medications.

    There is a community that has grown up around this and it is their identity. I always think it would be refreshing, just one time, to hear them discussing what changes in their life they ae making to move away from being affected by it. The fact that I’ve not heard a single conversation suggests to me that like the drug cultists the ADD/ADHD Industrial Complex is totally invested in keeping them on their customer list.

  9. Just a a cursory look at history will tell you ADHD is like a fabricated designer disease.
    No, not in every case, but the fact that it ramped up so quickly and so widespread should tell you that it’s win-win for Big Pharma and Teachers.

  10. Anonymous AT 1:58 PM – I don’t think that is the case either, but as I’ve said before:
    We don’t have a gun (knife) problem in this country, we have a culture problem.
    Dependency is a multi-layered issue where it is entirely possible that ADHD culture can get a kid started on blaming problems on the drugs/disease rather than learning to take personal responsibility for their actions.

  11. Royalties have been paid to SNS for length.

    I catch up on the weekends when I pretend to work. Skim occasionally during the week and saw this one before coming into work tonight. Comment now that it rolls into page two.

    Good news / Bad news.
    Good, that I noticed with the you tube being blocked at work I wouldn’t be watching the video.
    Bad that I watched it before coming in to fill a chair.

    The video gave me gratitude.

    Glad my two are raised and doing well in their lives and successful in their professions. Can’t imagine trying to raise children in our current world.

    Both of mine in medicine and the daughter in a pediatric practice which confirms the idea that this not as much of an isolated occurrence as we might want to believe. Without violating HIPPA the stories are sometimes numerous and extreme in nature. Setting aside the horror stories my question is not about the players that create or are part of the dysfunction.

    How does one compartmentalize dealing with this on a daily basis? As I believe SNS has mentioned any number of times when it’s children it gets difficult at best. As much as my daughter loves kids I believe she’ll be leaving the pediatric side for a different field of practice in the near future. Venting occasionally doesn’t suffice in the long run. And worse are those dealing with the mental health side of it.

    Yes, there are still some good ones out there in physical and mental health, but depending on the practice I believe the burn out rate is high for eliminating the good ones.

    Thinking of the mental health, walk a mile in the cop’s shoes in some of the cities where this kind of crap could be considered as not that unusual. Watch a few episodes of “48 Hours” and you’ve identified where dysfunction reigns in numerous cities (maybe in the suburbs also).

    Again grateful not only for two good ones but often happy I’m in the ninth inning because the game seems too long to play or watch some of these days.

  12. This incident is beyond the behavior altering and/or illegal drugs the girl might be taking. The family is more than likely involved in Satanism. There are families that serve Satan just like there are families who serve God. Deceived by Satan, his servants ritually kill someone to obtain evil-sourced power. “Taking” a family member increases that “power”. Happens often in every society all over the world.

    Based on this girl’s questionable remorse, foul language mixed with an innocent act and letting it slip, “…this is some demonic shit” shows that she’s very aware of why she killed her brother. She’s demon possessed, oppressed..and so is her mother.

    This shouldn’t be be considered unusual. It’s been the case since sin entered the world because Adam and Eve made Satan their god in the Garden of Eden. This incident is a clear example of the repeating curse of Cain and Abel – deadly sibling rivalry with demonic influence.

    Most people will evaluate the crime from a natural perspective, when it should also include spiritual aspects to get a full understanding of how and why it happened. Americans in particular are so ignorant of spiritual matters including the current judicial system. Years ago girls who committed murder were considered criminally insane and put away for years. Today, this young woman may not be tried as an adult. She will probably only get a light sentence depending on the state she lives in. She should be charged with first degree murder.

    Also, for the doubters, denying or ignoring the spiritual side of life is dangerous and foolish. The spiritual relm creates or manifests everything in the nature world. God designed all that exists that way.

    God loves life and Satan craves death. Convincing people to disobey God and condemning their souls to Hell delights Satan. Such is the case with this girl and her family. Christ is their only hope out of Satanic servitude and yes, damnation and the cycle of destruction plaquing so many in this country. We are definitely living in perilous times.

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