What Does the Woke Do About THIS>? – IOTW Report

What Does the Woke Do About THIS>?

16 Comments on What Does the Woke Do About THIS>?

  1. Internecine struggles within the progressive movement get real violent real fast. The shits about to get real. You have multiple factions, all of which have no compunction resorting to violence to get their way. Pass the popcorn unless they get a lid on this pronto.

    I’ve been posting for nearly a decade that then the coalition fractures they are going to start killing each other with vengeance. The progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement is made up of a coalition of malicious, maladjusted malcontents each of which had been stoked with envy and resentment for anyone who does not kiss their ass. When they turn on each other it is a shitstorm of a Donnybrook.

  2. Woke is a white liberal phenomena and they are on the way out sterilizing themselves, having abortions, taking pharma products religiously and just generally being unhealthy demonic losers. A lot of the immigrants they flood us with are socially conservative and they are too stupid to see the danger to their insanity.

  3. The leftist pigs have no spine.
    They shit their pants in the face of islamic anger and threats.
    Hillary watches American soldiers and diplomats tortured and
    murdered in real time and wonders what difference it makes.
    Obama chortles in glee of jizzlamic supremacy.
    The rest of the pigs laugh in fear of jizzlamic supremacy


  4. @ SNS AT 9:10 PM

    They went all in with the old “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” strategy. Both hate America with a hatred that only results when envy and resentment are raised t cardinal virtues. This marriage of convenience is rapidly evolving into an ideological hatred on the side of the Muslims, all Muslims vs idiots who glommed onto the gay/trans in order to exploit those individuals for political advantage. Neither have a modicum of respect for human life or any appreciation for human rights applying to anyone other than themselves. Both are ruthless, the Muslims are ruthless, practiced and driven by a mass fanaticism the left wishes it could emulate.

    If it goes hot, my money is on the Muslims.

  5. Lilly white women who aren’t particularly bright and metrosexual posers vs practicing global terrorists. Hmmm, the smart money appears to be on the latter if you ask me.

    One side is going to label the homophobes and transphobes and the other is going to say glad to meet you, yes that is exactly what we are and unlike Christians we hate your guts, make no bones about it and don’t mind blowing your ass to smithereens and as an added benefit we get 72 virgins.

  6. Future generation of Jihad warriors programmed/mandated to “roof top” queers on command. No mercy.
    Yet, Christians are LGTBQIA2S+ (aka deviants) worst enemies because Christians only ASK deviants to know God and stop being corrupt.
    Those meany Christians. Scary stuff! -sarc.

  7. Satanic/evil forces do not Coexist well at all and there is no detente in Hell.
    Also, the evil forces present on the Earth, most likely communist globalists vs Islamic totalitarianists, whichever gains the most power will crush their adversarial evil competition. Unity among the left is a facade. Paranoia, corruption, hate and fear rule the existence of the left.

  8. I don’t often agree with any Satanic izlamics, but on this I do.
    Even though most moslems are fags, they have enough sense to be ashamed of it.
    (butt-fucking, or even thighing (mufākhadhah), little boys is faggotry)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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