AI Gives Sermon in German Church – IOTW Report

AI Gives Sermon in German Church

Daily Caller

The artificial intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT, delivered a sermon to more than 300 people Friday morning at St. Paul’s Church in Fuerth, Germany, the Associated Press reported.

The 40-minute service, delivered by the avatars of two young men and two young women projected above the altar in the Bavarian church, was the idea of Jonas Simmerlein, a 29-year-old theologian and philosopher from the University of Vienna.

“I conceived this service – but actually I rather accompanied it, because I would say about 98% comes from the machine,” Simmerlein told APMore

12 Comments on AI Gives Sermon in German Church

  1. They were inspired by the “Holy Microchip” and by ineffeable coding.

    Glad to know I could be replaced by a Toshiba laptop.

    But on the other hand most church attendees in today’s world wouldn’t notice as long as no one sat in their pew or asked them to participate in the service.

  2. Machines cannot be the annointed of God. Machines are created by human minds and have the human flaws and human prejudices of their human programmers, but do not have the ability to be slain in the spirit or have the fire of God descend on them. AI has no understanding, no compassion, no empathy; and having no soul it has no way to have understanding of the Word of God.

    But the biggest impediment is that they are not qualified.

    Not my rule.


    “1 For every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins:

    2 Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way; for that he himself also is compassed with infirmity.

    3 And by reason hereof he ought, as for the people, so also for himself, to offer for sins.

    4 And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron.”
    Hebrews 5:1-4

    1) The AI cannot be “taken from among men”, as it is not human.

    2) AI is not capable of compassion.

    3) AI has no understanding of good, evil, or sin.

    4) The AI is not called of God.

    …there’s a lot of other reasons this doesn’t work but I would no sooner hear a computer preach than ask my electric blanket for relationship advice. Yes, it can heat things up in the bedroom, but only to the extent is was created for and used by men and neither knows nor cares if that’s the sort of warmth I’m seeking.

    AI will create messages from what it is given by men. It is not open to inspiration from God, and therefore has no business imparting the Word that it can never understand; for at the end of the day, it has no more understanding than a toaster and no more spirit than a screwdriver.

  3. AI lies. AI regurgitates only what it’s woke programmers allow. AI lacks compassion or any spark of human empathy. AI can only mimic and by extension mock.

    It is a perfect devise for the great deceiver (Satan, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, your choice) to mislead.

  4. AI = arrogant intelligence. This is one step closer for the very elect to be deceived. The stalwart churches have all allowed faggotry into their church – gladly accepted too. Matthew 24:19: For then there will be great misery, such as has never happened from the beginning of the world until now, and will never happen again! Yes, if those days had not been cut short no human being would survive. But for the sake of God’s people those days are to be shortened.

    That’s promising to me “But for the sake of God’s people those days are to be shortened.”

    It’s accelerating – it’s happening very fast.

  5. Martin Luther is rolling over in his grave and wants to come back and unplug that damned, fake AI minister permanently and kick its creators in the ass. I could always reread Project Pope by Clifford D Simak and the robot Pope created by the robots instead. No AI anything ever, please. Are people that dumb to worship an AI godlike android, I sure as hell hope not.

  6. I’m sorry, but I think it’s a GREAT idea! You can sleep in on Sunday and to a Skype attendance and make your donation in the plate with IOTW bucks!

    FUCKIN-A isn’t Technology fukin’ great?

  7. **Bzzt.Ding.Ding.Ding.Bssshhhht.Woooorp.**

    Hallelujah! You are absolved! Go in peace, my son. Please note the donation boxes at the doors on your way out. Thank you and go with God. He appreciates your generosity. Hallelujah!


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