Math Teacher Threatens Students Who Do Not Want to Watch Pride Indoctrination Video – IOTW Report

Math Teacher Threatens Students Who Do Not Want to Watch Pride Indoctrination Video

Kids know what feels natural and what does not. You cannot FORCE someone to accept what they do not innately find unacceptable. Sorry LGBT+++++++++, your attractions and relationships exist outside what is normal in nature. Heterosexuality is natural — nature. Do your thing, stop trying to make it seem natural. It isn’t. Never will be.

10 Comments on Math Teacher Threatens Students Who Do Not Want to Watch Pride Indoctrination Video

  1. Forcing people to think in a certain way is the hallmark of dictatorships. The schools are now indoctrination centers. I see self-criticism sessions coming up, if they haven’t already started.

    Ms. Bird (Teacher): Billy, what do you think about Man-made Global Warming after our little talk yesterday?

    Billy: Ms. Bird, I am so sorry I had such a backward view of MMGB. I blame my parents, who are conservative Christians, they are wrong about everything and have taught me lies ever since I was born. I hate them.

    Ms. Bird: Very nice Billy. We know all about your parents and will take appropriate action before they ruin your little sister.

    That this is becoming our reality in America is heartbreaking.

  2. I would fire this female math teacher immediately and sue the school board and the school district for her audacity in showing a fag video to her math students. The students need to protest, and all walk out of her class in unison and never go back to her class ever again. And someone please tell me what does faggotry have to do with math.

  3. I once again ask the question, “as a parent why are you still allowing your child(ren) to be subjected to this?”

    God gave us children, it is our job to protect them and guide them and that comes with making sacrifices. Do your job and get your kids out of schools. Make whatever sacrifices it takes to be able to do that.

  4. Every “turning” put this mental illness in the closet, banned or wholesale shunned it. There is only one thing left; ask a Muslim how they addressed the issue.

  5. WTF does sex have to do with math?

    Teachers should at LEAST be required to stay in their lane, and hers was numbers, not nipples.

    If I got called to teach an operator how to run a machine and instead started lecturing them on kink, I could fully and proplerly expect to be fired for not only not doing my job but also for sexual harassment, and be subject to civil actions as well…and that’s among adults.

    So why isn’t it the same way with children?

    …any one who goes beyond “No one is allowed to touch your body” as far as talking about sex in elementary school is a fucking pedophile, and should be treated as such.

  6. She needs to learn to stay in her own lane. All of these assholes do. They have sewn the wind and now that people are recognizing this for what it is, grooming, they are about to find out what it means to reap the whirlwind.


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