Network Allows Tony Presenter To Call DeSantis the Grand Wizard of the KKK – IOTW Report

Network Allows Tony Presenter To Call DeSantis the Grand Wizard of the KKK

25 Comments on Network Allows Tony Presenter To Call DeSantis the Grand Wizard of the KKK

  1. Does anybody actually watch this crap anymore? I’m thinking the only people that watch it are the clowns that participate in it.
    I wonder if you could ever convince/educate this moron to the fact that the Democrats OWN the KKK.

  2. Is the KKK a thing anymore outside of democrap politics always bringing up the past and always blaming it on the GOP. The democrap party, always on the wrong side of American history ever since Andy Jackson, the Civil War, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, Woodrow Wilson, an avowed racist, the Civil Rights Act of 1965 which was passed by mostly Republican votes and all the other variations of their racism and hatred towards blacks and other minorities etc.

  3. OK. This post ticked me off so much that I went to my hubby’s fb acct and looked up C/M U and left a comment about how ignorant their presenter was and about the Democrats & KKK, Jim Crow and voting against the Civil Rights Act.
    I told them they should only allow the presenters to recite a script so they don’t show how dumb they are.

  4. The KKK, right-wing terrorist supremacist organization promoting hate. You all know as your brothers in arms. DeSantis is promoting a form of hate. So if the shoe fits…

  5. …I come from a Catholic background, was raised Catholic, my mother converted to Catholicism to marry my Catholic father who was a Knight of Columbus, and will be buried alongside her husband in a Catholic cemetary.

    Were I in DeSantis’ shoes, I would destroy this woman by any means possible and all who bring such a vile slander against me because I know what Catholics had to suffer alongside Black people all those years that the Democrat KKK hated my Irish Catholic ancestors for being Irish and Catholic, and that anyone would DARE try to suggest that I was somehow related to this abhorrent organization.

    The KKK has about five actual members now, all of them Feds. They exist ONLY for the purposes of slandering Republicans with Alinsky’s first rule, “Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt”.

    I hope he wrecks that filty little lying, slandering bitch.

    But that too would be turned around to be that he somehow was mean to a tiny widdle innocent Black girl, or some such shit.

    Welcome to Presidential politics, RDS.

    AKA Kubiyashi Maru: The No Win Scenario

  6. Of course anyone is allowed to say whatever they want on a network, right????

    Where are the fact-checkers when the left’s minions are on the Tee Vee constantly spreading their propaganda?

    They own the airwaves, and then whenever a conservative utters a word there are “fact-checkers” standing by to “maintain control of the narrative.”

    I kind of hate this country at the moment.

  7. Guilty. Watched the tranny train wreck Tony Awards. Sorry, entertained by queer leftists tripping over themselves desperately trying to make being degenerate the norm. The most cringe moments were the two men “trans women” in full drag, winning major awards.

    The bisexual host was awful. She’s beautiful and dumb as a post. She attempted to adlib. The show had no writers because of the Writers strike and it showed. Half the time she didn’t know what to do next.

    For some reason the awards went to either Jewish shows and actors or queer shows and actors. Probably a political tactic to create the illusion both groups are victims of persecution by the right – a complete lie. The left always state falsehoods about conservatives. It’s their go to.

    All in all the Tony Awards was a terrible production – again. LOL! The only redeemable part was some of the excellent Broadway talent highlighted during the show. Even though Broadway has been turned into trans/queer propaganda.

  8. Facebook fact checkers: “It was broadcast on a major network, so it must be true”…

    Way past time for a 21st century version of the Declaration of Independence, perhaps by July 4th?

  9. Time to remember that the worst punishment you can inflict on liberals is to separate them from their money.

    Sue that cunt into the dirt until all she can taste is hus septic field!

  10. Brad at 3:10 pm

    ^^^^^^^^^So now MSNBC is credible?

    Is it true? You do know that Trump just had 2 of his lawyers quit, and how many before that? What lawyer is willing to touch that? What did Trump’s lawyers discover that they can’t help him with! Maybe God is punishing Trump for so many things he has screwed the American public over, and his embracing the gay lifestyle. Is that a lie too? I can post the Politco story again if you’d like to see it again Brad.

  11. “Politco”
    Now you’re going from bad to worse. Yes, he had to lawyers step down. He already has another team he’s working with. This is a big nothing burger. My perception of what he’s done for this country and what he can do are at opposite ends of the spectrum compared to yours. If you want to die on the Gay Sword so be it. But quite frankly that’s about number 101 on my top 100 concerns. And he’s the only guy that has a shot at fixing my top 100.

  12. There was a Tony awards show on TV last night?
    Who knew?
    My wife was watching the last NBA game (Nuggets over Heat).
    I was either reading some new books that came in the mail today, or doing small chores before going to bed.
    I try to limit my TV viewing, I find that it’s bad for my (mental) health, and none of the necessary things for the house get done.


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