Treat Williams Dies in Motorcycle Accident – IOTW Report

Treat Williams Dies in Motorcycle Accident

He was a good actor.

I loved Prince of the City, back in the day


Treat Williams, the star of Everwood and Hair, has died after being involved in a motorcycle accident. He was 71.

The actor’s death was confirmed to PEOPLE on Monday evening by his agent of 15 years, Barry McPherson.

“He was killed this afternoon. He was making a left or a right [and] a car cut him off,” McPherson says. “I’m just devastated. He was the nicest guy. He was so talented.”

“He was an actor’s actor. Filmmakers loved him. He’s been the heart of the Hollywood since the late 1970s,” McPherson continues. “He was really proud of his performance this year. He’s been so happy with the work that I got him. He’s had a balanced career.”

40 Comments on Treat Williams Dies in Motorcycle Accident

  1. one of my favorites is Deep Rising. “Now what!” Famke Janson and the whole cast were great. The monster too. “That’s something you don’t see every day!”

    terrible loss. I liked him. we just saw Barefoot the other day.

  2. Prince of the City is the first one that came to mind with me too Fur. Intense movie. I quit riding in my 20s, one of the few sensible things I did in that decade.

    God speed Treat.

  3. I quit riding several years ago, was “left turned” 3 times in one day.
    Went home and hung up my helmet, started riding when I was 12, on an ancient Cushman.
    At one time I owned 5, miss it but I’m still alive.
    Really liked Treat, RIP sir.
    What kinda bike was it?

  4. First Harley at age 19, was a 1962 Panhead. Had at least ten over the years as well as countless dirt bikes and a couple of Japanese street bikes. At age 69, I realized my reactions had slowed and people in vehicles (we called them cages) just didn’t see or respect motorcycles. Had several friends lose their lives on bikes through the years. Sold a nice Road King Custom and hung up the helmet. Dodged the bullet for 50-years and have made it to 72, but miss that wind in the face.

  5. I remember an old girlfriend wanting to see one of his movies in the 80’s and reluctantly taking her. The movie was Dead Heat with Joe Piscopo. Wasn’t that bad and I actually watched the movie.

  6. Prince of the City was my first memory of Treat Williams as well. Whenever appearing in a movie, I would watch it to see him. It is so sad to learn he was killed in an accident. RIP Treat. God Bless.
    Our son was riding his motorcycle to work a few years back when a guy crossed three lanes, left to right, and cut off him causing serious abdominal in the crash. He lived, but never replaced the bike.

  7. I know a biker who’s pushing 70 who had his hips go bad, so he got metal hips and got right back on the bike with ’em.

    He’d be perfectly content to die riding. Maybe Treat died doing what he loved as well.


  8. Only bike I ever rode was a Yamaha dirt bike, but I took a fair number of dedicated bikers to the hospital and a few to the morgue, occasionally in multiple containers.

    Guy I worked on cars with bought a bike, and drove it for a month or two, then gave it up just because I would tell him about various things I scraped off the road the previous night.

  9. Full Burr on Fire
    AT 12:35 PM
    “Going out on a bike beats dying in bed.”

    …depends on who’s in the bed with you, and what you’re doing together at the time…

  10. Sorry my friend. I’m not dying in bed unless I fall on one during a gun fight.

    That’s optimal.

    Trying to jump Snake River Canyon on a bike is the second best option.

    Fighting a werewolf is number 3.

  11. Full Burr on Fire
    AT 12:35 PM
    “Going out on a bike beats dying in bed.”

    …the biggest problem with this is that “dead” was NOT the most common outcome I saw. Most lived on, sometimes minus some things that could be sorta fixed like noses, hair, nutz, and limbs; while others had their backs broke and/or their brain case cracked and mostly were done riding apart from the roll they’d get to change the bedsheets and stave off bedsores if they were lucky.

    Not that they’d be able to feel the bedsores anyway, but the look and smell could be upsetting to visitors.

    …but I agree with you philosophically tho. I’m not going into details but if I get to pick my demise and do it properly, there won’t be enough left to be sure if I ever even existed in the first place…

  12. damn straight. I’ll race you on motorcycles into some nuclear testing ground. That. Would. Be. Epic.

    Everyone else in Valhalla would be there for fighting people.

    We could say “yeah…..fought a nuke, wound up here.”

  13. Burrhalla
    AT 12:42 PM
    “Sorry my friend. I’m not dying in bed unless I fall on one during a gun fight.”

    …not always optional, unless you stop a) sleeping, and b) screwing.

    I seen guys went out both ways, mostly above a certain age, but I’d no sooner tell them stop screwing than I’d tell you stop riding.

    Gonna die sooner or later.

    Might as well get some living in before you do…

  14. …FWIW, most guys seem to die after they retire, where guys the same age live on if they keep doing stuff. Not sure if its because of letting the body get lazy or the mind get dull, but it seems like some men just lose interest in life once they stop participating in it…

  15. Listen, you ever hear of a police shootout at a mattress warehouse…

    That’s probably me fighting a werewolf in there or something.

    If I die in bed….well… it’s embarrassing but when you die, you void your bowels. Yeah, I’d be dead….so no big deal. But I imagine the whore in bed with me would be traumatized….and in need of a shower.

    No…it’s best to meet Oden with a sword or a stick of dynamite in hand rather than some toilet paper.

    I’d fight an octopus if it had a knife in each tentacle. That seems fair.

  16. Brad
    AT 12:54 PM
    “Dying in bed with a hot woman presents it own set of problems.”

    …and sometimes for the family as well. Friend of mine actually had women fighting over him at his funeral, and each had her own faction to join in until the police intervened.

    …guess that’s a different sort of way to go out with a bang…

  17. SNS

    LOL, now your full circle back to great actors. Jack Elam got all kinds of praise for that scene. He was good. I always thought Woody Strode actually did a better job. The epitome of bad ass. Woody Strode, John Wayne, and Ward Bond all life time pals. UCLA football. Interesting stories with those three. If you’re ever board out of your mind it’s interesting stuff to research.

  18. Burrki
    AT 1:03 PM

    “If I die in bed….well… it’s embarrassing but when you die, you void your bowels. Yeah, I’d be dead….so no big deal. But I imagine the whore in bed with me would be traumatized….and in need of a shower.”

    …Sam Kinison used to do a routine where he hoped his ex-wife’s fat lover’s heart would explode while he was on top of her, pinning her with his literal dead weight and drowning her in his postmortem oral disgorging of gastric contents.

    So it could be worse.

  19. Burrnir
    AT 1:19 PM
    “:flips butterfly knife around:”

    …I used to carry one everywhere when I was a kid. I got so used to it I took to using it as a utility knife until the first time I opened some wiper blades in front of a customer. Turns out KMart in the NE suburbs of Cincinnati just weren’t used to having their mechanics shoot out an arm and pull back a knife after a short metallic whirl.

    I got to keep my job (and not go to jail) once the customer calmed down and everyone was convinced I wasn’t about to go Bruce Lee upside his head, but I was told that maybe a nice folding knife would be a better option in our little 6 bay garage…

  20. Brad
    AT 2:01 PM
    “^^^^ I carry an Inertia Knife. Freaks people out. LOL”

    …I know it’s not the same thing but I’ve been leery about any kind of assist since I had a switchblade I got in Indian country come open in my pocket despite the stupid little safety it had. I’ll say one thing, it sure was sharp…

    …anyway, if I’m actually expecting trouble I prefer a full tang fixed blade anyway, but I always have at least one folder on me with lever assist so I can one hand thumb it open quickly.

    It’s kind of a utility/last resort sort of thing now. Don’t think I could do very well trading slashes with a 20 yo now, but I’d sure bloody his ass up good before I got drained…

  21. SNS

    There’s no assist on mine. It’s simply a quick flick of the wrist. They need to be kept clean and lint free. However mine always opens and locks. It’s an older Gerber blade. I’m always strapped, but in close I’m probably reaching for the blade.

  22. :flops onto ring corner stool:

    “Uh, I dunno’, Mickey…I dunno’.
    “What? Are you some kinda’ bum, Burrky? You’re gettin’ murderized out dere.”
    “So many….little…people….”
    “Just grab one by de ankles and swing em’ aroun’.”
    “O.K. Mick…I’ll try.”

    :Looks over at other corner where 3 midgets are standing on each others shoulders:


    :Bell rings for the start of round 73:

  23. When I was 18 I wanted to take all the money I saved and buy a motorcycle. My mother said “NOOO.”

    You see, she had a brother who died in a horrible motorcycle accident.

    She said I could just have his.

  24. I quit riding when a young woman rear ended me at a stop light. She was looking down and texting as she approached the intersection. Fortunately she looked up in enough time to slam on the brakes and booped me 5 yards forward into (also fortunately) my freshly illuminated green light.

    Cell phones have increased the risks far more than I am willing to gamble anymore.


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