Biden Faces Backlash After Trans Activist Goes Topless At White House Pride Event: ‘A Disgrace To Our Country’ – IOTW Report

Biden Faces Backlash After Trans Activist Goes Topless At White House Pride Event: ‘A Disgrace To Our Country’


Activist Rose Montoya, a man who identifies as a woman, met with Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, at the White House on Saturday during the administration’s celebration of Pride Month.

Video shows Montoya meeting with the Bidens before standing on the White House lawn with his top off and hands covering his chest.

The incident drew widespread condemnation online.

“This is what happened at the White House pride event,” Libs of TikTok tweeted to her more than 2 million followers. “A disgrace to our country.”


This is what happened at the White House pride event. A disgrace to our country.

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) June 13, 2023

“No, this isn’t another hookers-n-blow photo from Hunter’s laptop, it was the Pride party on the White House lawn two days ago hosted by Joe,” said radio host Dana Loesch. “They also didn’t hang the American flag right according to code.”

“Apparently it’s ok to go topless if you had a medically unnecessary breast removal surgery or if you’re a man with implants,” Loesch said.

Podcaster Dan Dakich tweeted, “This Prez has allowed our Nation to be completely disgraced with attention seeking exhibitionist clowns on the White House lawn.”

“The adults are back in charge!” National Review contributor Pradheep J. Shanker sarcastically tweeted. “This is a GOP campaign ad for the Fall of 2024. If you think this is going to play well in Georgia, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, you are delusional.”

Columnist Karol Markowicz tweeted, “Again, if a Republican president befouled the White House like this there would be a dozen think pieces from conservatives about how wrong it is. Where are the sane liberals calling this disgusting behavior out? Stop hiding under your beds.”


16 Comments on Biden Faces Backlash After Trans Activist Goes Topless At White House Pride Event: ‘A Disgrace To Our Country’

  1. Looks like scenes from Trump’s LGBT gala he held for them in 12/22 at his digs. Biden and Trump are mocking God. These are actually scenes replayed out from Sodom and Gomorrah before God destroyed them. Blasphemy and abominations shoved in our faces, yet people will vote for them to carry it through. Be careful what you wish for.

  2. Well, never really was a fan of “man boobs” and I’m still definitely not. So when is Mental Health Awareness Month again?

    On a side note, Bill Clinton would hit on that.

  3. Fact: there is no greater disgrace than allowing a clearly bullshit fake Election to stand.

    Jan 6 should have resulted in many, many statist traitors up against the wall facing a firing squad of patriots.
    The rest is icing, and cherries, on their cake.

    FJB! and damn to Hell all his servile dervishes!

  4. This is all Barack Hussein 0bama, the queer with the tranny passing for a wife. The amount of money and power backing these queers is astonishing. This perversion is not organic, it is bought and paid for. In my not so humble opinion the backers of all this chaotic sickness is the pedophile community. Lots and lots of old rich guys…and gals… get off on screwing innocent children, and worse.

  5. well they aren’t real and no more disgusting than a topless fat man on a beach. but yes, on the WH lawn is ridiculous. They have no limits until people start setting boundaries

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