Snakes on a … Fan – IOTW Report

Snakes on a … Fan

19 Comments on Snakes on a … Fan

  1. One of the sponsors on A Prairie Home Companion years ago was The Fearmonger’s Shop in the Dales (Roy and Dale, Chip and Dale, Clydesdale, Teasdale, Mondale etc.) that sold an extended toilet seat that sat high up in the air above the toilet so a snake couldn’t bite you in the ass while you were doing your business of taking a # 2. I never forgot that funny ad from The Fearmonger’s Shop. My next brother once put a dead snake (probably a bull snake) that he had skinned into my mom’s freezer in a freezer bag so he could cook it later (or dissect it for his biology class) until my mom found it and made him get rid of it immediately. She was not amused. My other 2 brothers and I thought that it was hilarious, he was always pushing the envelope and doing stuff like that.

  2. That was funny right there. I don’t care who you are.

    He wanted to harm it remotely. Coward got what he deserved.

    I deal with venomous snakes too much to try to be a “safe” coward about it. I don’t care for them either, but please learn about the few common ones in your neighborhood that are actually beneficial. The harmful ones are pretty easy to identify. Just spend a little time on it.

    Sadly, I’ve been sent way too many pics of destroyed rat snakes. Yet, I understand if you want to kill a rat snake because it’s raiding your chicken coop for eggs. Learn to tan their hides and get a hat band out of it, at least.

  3. Recently moved from what usta-be Rattler country. HOA all up in arms cuzza feral cats. Turns out feral cats ate up all the vermin. Nothing left for the Rattlers so the snakes moved on.


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