CNN Bint – ‘I NEED A FACT-CHECK, STAT’ (Oh… I did not know that…) – IOTW Report

CNN Bint – ‘I NEED A FACT-CHECK, STAT’ (Oh… I did not know that…)

The left seems to be in denial that Hillary was corrupt. Or, they just don’t know 1/10th of what they think they know.

15 Comments on CNN Bint – ‘I NEED A FACT-CHECK, STAT’ (Oh… I did not know that…)

  1. She knew. She just wanted to be able to throw some “shade” on that claim. Just like George Stephana-whatever pushed back when someone said that to him. They are just trying to lie by omission or “look, squirrel!”

  2. how about anthony weiner’s computer?
    that had huma’s stuff, probably illegally possessed by her, on it.
    they threw that into a deep, dark hole.
    people got fired from the NYPD just for looking at it.

  3. Hillary answering questions at Congressional hearing – “I never sent anything (email) marked classified.” Classified materiel is marked ‘classified’, it’s marked with the level – Confidential, Secret, Top Secret. Hillary’s inner lawyer parses her words and doesn’t answer the question.

  4. Google: “hillary rodham 1958”

    Now imagine that you had a time machine and an ACME Corporation bag of hammers. You go back to 1958, swap Hillary out for the bag of hammers then send her forward to the time when the Sun goes nova consuming everything on Earth. You are now stuck in 1958 watching the growth and development of said bag of hammers.

  5. Alison Camerota I think is her name.

    Hillary smashing those electronic records has been out for a few years. Where has this stupid bint been hiding?

    In an outhouse, in a haystack, under her bed? Whatta a dopety-dope.

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