Musk Continues To Free Up Free Speech on Twitter – IOTW Report

Musk Continues To Free Up Free Speech on Twitter

If you recall seeing video clips of moronic college students 5 or 6 years ago saying the 1st amendment doesn’t cover speech they don’t like, well, these are the shitheads in charge now.

And 5 or 6 years ago when we would post these clips, a common comment was “who cares what they think?”

And it aggravated me.

So, when we run clips of any leftist saying all sorts on insane things, a comment that is not welcome is “who cares what they think?”

When I read that comment, I read “I don’t care.”

Let me explain further. When you share clips of assholes saying assholish things, it influences other assholes who really do not understand what makes the position assholish. They just see that it is being ridiculed, and they do not want to be ridiculed, so they will be against it.

Politics is downstream from culture. Never forget that.


Many have suspected an internal rebellion at Twitter against owner Elon Musk’s vision of a free speech platform. And now we have evidence to show that Musk’s moves to make Twitter more of a free speech platform have been successful despite attempts by his disgruntled anti-free speech employees to thwart him. 

In recent weeks, Twitter has begun to slow its censorship of those criticizing the “transgender” movement. The shift came after the platform changed its “deadnaming” and “misgendering” policy on April 18, and following several staff resignations, including the head of Trust and Safety chief Ella Irwin’s departure on June 1. 

Twitter saw a 261 percent drop in censored users and posts critiquing the left’s radical “transgender” ideology in the month after the policy change (April 18 through May 17, 2023) compared with the month prior (March 18 through April 17, 2023), according to data found in MRC Free Speech America’s database.

The month prior showed an unprecedented spike in censorship of content related to the “transgender” issue. Although it is too soon to tell whether this recent free speech win will last, the drop from 142 cases of censorship the month before the policy changed to just 37 cases after shows considerable promise. 


15 Comments on Musk Continues To Free Up Free Speech on Twitter

  1. Musk Is just Applying The Bud Light Rule to Twitter. If 3/4s of the country is sick of the constant tranny bullshit being shoved in their face he can’t allow his company to silence users and opinions pushing back. I guess boycotts do work if they are big enough.


  2. I saw this mentioned a few times recently on Twitter. While it can be true of many situations, it is certainly true of Leftists.

    Related – I saw something yesterday about how the Left used to call out ‘conversion therapy’ in helping gay kids become straight as a horrific mental abuse. But completely skipping the part where the kids think they are gay (or trans, etc., etc.) because they used their form of conversion therapy in the first place! Important to call out things as they are.

  3. ^^^^ I can see a need to monitor tweets for specific things. One that comes to mind is unlawful pornography (e.g. child porn). Another would be terrorist activity. Musk’s problem is that enabling Twitter personnel to monitor things that are illegal also gives them a pathway and means to censor free speech.

    At least with the leftists I know, free speech is maybe the worst threat to their movement. Leftist ideals rely on policies that have historically failed, are generally vapid and illogical, and ignore basic human tendencies. Further, leftists have no compunction about lying and cannot afford to be called out on their bullshit. They cannot allow any of these things to be exposed.

    There is a reason universities go to considerable lengths to prohibit speakers who do not share their leftist political views – they don’t want their students to be exposed to more rational and reasonable arguments and don’t want their lies exposed (I visited a site that still promoted the lie that J6 protestors beat Capitol security officers to death). This actually isn’t new – the university I went to engaged in the same type of censorship as much as they could and lefty professors were the most intolerant bastards you would ever want to meet. Twitter could be a great forum for a free exchange of views, but given the nature of leftists such a platform needs to weed out the intolerant on all sides of the political spectrum.

  4. “In recent weeks, Twitter has begun to slow its censorship of those criticizing the “transgender” movement. ”

    Yeah, but they still deleted my account for saying that a man claiming to be a woman was either lying or delusional. And that was AFTER Musk took over.

  5. I’ve seen improvements as time goes on. There were a lot of code left behind that zapped many posts/accounts that would not be done now.

    If you have it happen to you now, you MUST bring it to Musk’s attention. I’ve seen many posts return after he reviews it and said it shouldn’t have been tagged.

    Give him credit for trying to clean up the mess left behind.

  6. @ Heatsync AT 10:20 AM

    So, you demand instant transformation? Luck with that. If you are unwilling to allow time to implement a successful strategy, don’t come looking to me for sympathy for your situation. If time passes, which it appears it has, and you seek redress and are turned down… the dynamic at that point shifts in your favor. You weren’t screwed by Musk, Musk is making redress and reform possible, but it does still demand a little honest effort on your part. Yes, your problem was with people no longer there. Elon Musk is giving you an opportunity to seek redress, either take him up on it of don’t, but don’t act like he has in some way wronged you.

  7. A pet peeve of mine: how could there have been a 261% drop in censorship?

    To use figures to more clearly illustrate the point, if censorship was 100% more last year than this year, that means it was twice as bad last year. That mean censorship was cut in Half, or 50%. If it was cut by 100% that would mean that there was no censorship this year.

    As I calculate it, if censorship was 261% higher last year, that means it was cut by 61.9% this year.

    And get off my lawn.

  8. I find Elon refreshingly honest. I have always refused to buy NTFX or FBK or Twitter stock for that matter because I have such little respect for the people running those organizations. Even though TSLA is trading for 78 X earnings it is my largest holding and by that I mean I am largely all in. After reviewing some of the utube videos of people that follow that stock closely, I am convinced it is the best stock I have ever seen

  9. The people pushing for free speech now are the same people who said private business can do anything they want. See what happens when private biz does whatever it wants, it turns gov’t stooge.


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