Improvised Backyard Flame Thrower… Gone Wrong – IOTW Report

Improvised Backyard Flame Thrower… Gone Wrong

And the Darwin Award Survivors Participation Trophies go to:

19 Comments on Improvised Backyard Flame Thrower… Gone Wrong

  1. As a kid we used an engine cleaner and switched out the kerosene to gasoline, upped the air compressor limit setting, carefully. Added lots of air hose line and used the home brew flame thrower to burn out tent caterpillar nests. Never got a honorable mention Darwin Award. Safety Tip, wear hot gloves.

  2. One of my favorite G Gordon Liddy stories was about a bunch of redneck idiots trying to get rid of raccoons by making a cannon out of a large stovepipe and blowing them up. Unfortunately, one of the drunken idiots trying to make sure it worked crawled into the pipe and got stuck and blew himself completely out of that pipe when it prematurely went off was shot over the top of their house. He survived because he was so drunk and lived to talk about it. I laughed my ass off when I heard that story and they still didn’t get rid of the raccoons.

  3. I’ve met Kutyurkakov. I thought he was a urologist.

    Ever meet his sisters in law, Katya Nutsov and Tarya Balzov? They are two of Russia’s best known feminists

  4. Techically, Каллме Ленні, it would be Katya Nutsova and Tarya Balsova. Remember, Russian assigns the feminine gender to a girl’s last name

    This probably explains why there’s no gender confusion in Russia; because the language beats the proper gender into women’s brains from the moment they’re born

  5. One of my 5th grade friends came to school with his face & hair all scorched. Him & his cousin were trying to see if gas in a Black Flag sprayer (remember those? Before aerosol, we filled insecticide sprayers ourselves) would make an OK flamethrower.
    Worked great on the spray, not so well on the intake.
    Can’t be sucking the flame into the fuel tank.


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