Rogan Offers 100k to Doctor to Debate RFK Jr on Vaccines – IOTW Report

Rogan Offers 100k to Doctor to Debate RFK Jr on Vaccines

It’s more about the autism-link, not the jab.


Podcaster Joe Rogan and billionaire Elon Musk have lashed out at a vaccine researcher who dismissed Rogan’s recent interview with anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as ‘nonsense’.

Dr. Peter Hotez, a pediatrician and dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, on Saturday tweeted his concerns about Rogan’s interview with Kennedy, a longshot Democratic presidential candidate.

Kennedy in the interview repeated his debunked claims that common childhood vaccines cause autism, which Hotez called ‘just awful’ as he lamented ‘it’s clear many actually believe this nonsense.’

Podcaster Joe Rogan and billionaire Elon Musk have lashed out at a vaccine researcher who dismissed Rogan’s recent interview with anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as ‘nonsense’.

Dr. Peter Hotez, a pediatrician and dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, on Saturday tweeted his concerns about Rogan’s interview with Kennedy, a longshot Democratic presidential candidate.

Kennedy in the interview repeated his debunked claims that common childhood vaccines cause autism, which Hotez called ‘just awful’ as he lamented ‘it’s clear many actually believe this nonsense.’


2 Comments on Rogan Offers 100k to Doctor to Debate RFK Jr on Vaccines

  1. I used to be neutral about the claim that vaccines can cause autism. I simply didn’t know enough about vaccines or autism to say anything definitive one way or the other, other than to say that autism suddenly became very popular as the catch-all explanation for why someone’s kid can’t focus in school or control their behavior. However, after seeing how the Covid “vaccines” were handled, I’m starting to lean towards maybe the anti-vaxxers were on to something.

  2. @Heatsync at 12:47 pm

    I’m starting to lean towards maybe the anti-vaxxers were on to something.

    Yes, we were onto something from the get-go, we smelled death. Even Scott Adams, big vaxxer who hated the nonvaxxers and wanted us jailed, and freedoms taken away, locked down forever. He says we were right all along, but we didn’t need him or anyone to tell us that. My doctor has changed his tune as well. I have the look “I told you so.” I’m meeting more and more people who didn’t get jabbed.


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