Curt Schilling Hates the Tough “Jim Jordan-Like” Talk – “Somebody’s Gonna Have To Pull a Trigger” – IOTW Report

Curt Schilling Hates the Tough “Jim Jordan-Like” Talk – “Somebody’s Gonna Have To Pull a Trigger”

Watters tries to redirect Schilling and says “you’re speaking metaphorically.”

A couple of things to note, here.

-Schilling is just talking, like Jim Jordan. It’s a bit more bold talk. But it’s just talk.

-People often talk about not allowing the government to take guns away because that is how one protects oneself against a tyrannical government. How much more tyrannical does the left have to get before the “tough talk” is no longer just talk?

I am not inciting violence when I ask that question, and I’m not advocating violence. I don’t even know how the violence would manifest in a way that “takes this country back.”

Who is shooting, and at who? And what does that do?

How would it play out?

27 Comments on Curt Schilling Hates the Tough “Jim Jordan-Like” Talk – “Somebody’s Gonna Have To Pull a Trigger”

  1. How far is “too far”? It’s a sliding scale, I think they already have. With every action by this corruptocracy more people will come to that conclusion. Look at the White House flag controversy: are they idiots who don’t know anything about flag code or etiquette, or did they intentionally fly those flags to incite and inflame? With these Bolsheviks, who knows?

  2. Recent history has proved that the American people will countenance all manner of privations foisted on them by their government under the guise of security and order, privations that past generations would never condone or put up with.

    Some of us thought that the covid lockdowns would be a bridge too far, but the people did not push back or rebel. Those malevolent actors in Washington took notice and said to themselves, “That was easy, what else can we get away with? Will they bury their head in the sand when we open up the border to invasion, weaponize our LE arms to attack and imprison our enemies, manipulate the voting process to steal elections, restrain the judicial process to sanction criminality making the citizen anxious and fearful, or when we disregard all fiduciary responsibility and blow out the budgets in a rapacious attempt to wield more power and control?” Sadly, the answer to all of these is yes, they will remain impotent and cowed, willfully seeding even more control over their lives.

    I’ve said here many times that for me, the breaking point will be gun confiscation, that is why the left is doing this in slow methodical increments.

    Naturally, I would prefer an amicable divorce, a civilized separation but I see no workable mechanism for this, so here we are.

  3. Emboldened IRS agents now claim they can go in anyone’s house at anytime. They can show up at your business and seize irrelevant documents and property, especially if you’re a gun store. They use fake names and demand immediate payment and are no doubt armed. The totalitarianism being instituted in increments is escalating at an alarming rate. We are the frogs in a pan full of water with the stove set on high. God help us all.

  4. We have allowed the sacrifice of the innocents, perversion in our Armed Forces and High Offices, the corruption of our children, the degradation and collapse of our culture, the lies and deceits of both our Media and Academia, and we “elect” venal, greedy, dishonest, and perfidious politicians. We acquiesced to our isolation and the damage done to our economy due to the CoVid Hoax and we support (through taxes and purchases) the Globaloney Warming Hoax.

    So, what kind of “push back” can there be? We’re “all in” with this treasonous, Satanic bullshit. “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. BFH
    AT 8:20 AM
    “when will the leftist government gone “too far”?”

    …history says after it’s too late to do anything about it.

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
    -Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , “The Gulag Archipelago”

  6. “I have long said on this blog that a civil war is the last thing that we need. It is a last resort, because the person that you are, the life that you lead, is over. The cost is quite high, the outcome uncertain, and the pain will be nearly unbearable. Millions will likely die. We don’t take actions like that for light reasons, and we certainly don’t destroy a nation and our lives if there is a hope that we can accomplish our objective any other way.

    Stop trying to be a Ray Epps. Put up, shut up, or go fuck yourself. Stop trying to urge others to do what you will not do. Frankly, I’m over it. Comments to this post will not be allowed.

    This blog is closed until further notice.

    -And so it has been. Aesop mulls it over, at some length, and It. Is. Good.-

    We’ve been under attack for years. Like SAfrican farmers, the body count’s getting obvious to anyone looking, from anywhere.

    Some people are going to decide they’ve had enough. The smart ones are going to do something about it, as they can, when they can, to whomever they can. They’re not going to advertise, or cock-a-doodle-doo.

    They’re just going to do what they think needs to be done.

    They’re going to Shoot. Shovel.* And Shut Up.

    Eventually, that may become noticeable. Whether it does or doesn’t, everyone is going to have to decide to get in that game, or just watch.

    That’s a you problem, not a me or an us problem.

    Because if you do it, I don’t want to know. And if I do it, I’m not telling. Not you, not anybody, not ever.

    Anybody who does is a pure Grade AAA Idiot.

    But It’s. Going. To. Start. Happening.

    -Exactly, precisely so. To coin a phrase, the first rule of Revolt Club is, or surely ought to be, you never talk about Revolt Club. Plenty more at the link, of which you should read the all. If you can’t see how that relates to what Divemedic was on about, then you got some more thinking to do, I’m afraid.”

  7. What the hell? They have no incentive to change. I said that by April Fools Day 2020 that most of the people who vote Republican will tell them to stick their phony baloney Corona Virus scam up their ass, fuck off and die and other than that just go about their business and ignore them.

    Boy was I naive! What happened is they talked tough and then either marched around like a bunch of masked automatons or curled up in a ball and whimpered. These worthless bastards are not citizens, they are subjects and happen being such. They couldn’t care less about freedom, liberty or even being governed by people who treat them with respect and dignity.

    You think I’m being too harsh? Look at the response to every fucking human pestilence the Republican establishment participated in setting loose on them. Unless and until it affects them personally, they just sit back and allow to propagate. BLM, ANTIFA, drug addicts masquerading as “homeless,”. shrieking malicious maladjusted butt ugly cunts and soy boys deciding who can and can’t speak.

    Trust me, the “talk tough and send out a strongly worded letter” Republicans have focus grouped this and it’s what their target populations of potential voters want.

  8. Beachmom got snaffled up by the spamite. Rich Taylor says it clear. The American people will endure any manner of privation… etc… rather than stand up.

    Investigation, charging, trial and imprisonment is the only civil recourse left to us and the republicans have made it clear they have no will to act in defense of our republic. As long as their individual gravy boats runneth over they have NO REGARD for the course on which our nation is embarked.

    Look at North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, the whole of Western Europe, numerous ‘stans, all are ‘party states’ with the trappings of republics or democracies showing but completely meaningless. Those people endure much greater privation than any we are currently. Those populations are guidestones along the road for our tyrants here.

    When the tyrants stole the 2020 presidential election and many others, many 2022 elections and uncountable local elections, we did nothing. We have made no genuine move to stop them stealing more elections so they will do so.

    When the party state finally usurps all power to itself the pain will truly begin. This is prelude, the caresses that precede penetration, the slap and tickle to prepare us for what comes next.

    Short of some renaissance of balls among the GOP we are on the path to widespread chaos and slaughter. The tyrants WILL NOT STOP until they are FORCED to do so. Let’s get it together and stop them civilly.

  9. “The problem is lack of organization”

    The major obstacle in going on the offensive. I’ve type here before, if you get ten guys together to go to the range, odds are one of them is FBI. So Mr. Jordan if you want to help right the ship. defund these assholes.
    I long thought if we found ourselves in our current position a group like the Oathkeepers would provide command and control. Apparently I’m not the only one that assumed that.
    There’s a reoccurring theme that’s growing louder. You occasionally see it on WRSA. It’ll be rather spontaneous. and regional. And a long haul. That’s all I’m typing and remember, I am a comedian.

    Respectfully disagree!

    “Bush Republicans Lie!They have lied for 40 years!
    “Bush Republicans’ support what DC is doing today (read Karl “Mr. whiteboard” Marx in Murdoch’s WSJ!) and they have supported leftist laws and “law enforcement”(?) for 40 years.

    “El Rusbo” was 100%right 25 years ago!,”Bush Republicans are Democrats.’! They lie! They have no morals; so they have no qualms about hoodwinking Republicans (?) to busy to seek the truth!

    Nanny Stater “Dubya” did this par excellence in Austin 25 years ago and thereby won in 200.

    Disclaimer; late because frequent IOTW readers know well I have always loved America and been conservative; but new folk.
    i have been conservative over 70 years. voted Ronny 7 times. NEVER VOTED FOR DEGENERATE GWB! BIASED I ADMiT.

  11. I’m just wondering when the South rises again will the Midwest join them?

    It was states that broke away and formed the confederacy. Would they be capable again or are we too involved with our oppressor to ever turn against it.

    It’s not the first time in history people tolerated their tyrants at the risk of the consequences. Look how many thousands of years the Pharaohs lasted, and the Roman emperors had a 500-year run themselves despite how terribly many of them governed.

    All empires eventually collapse, but it seems to take external pressure to really speed up the process (See WWI). We’re an empire in denial adrift without a belief system other than a shared fiction we keep telling the rest of the world is “freedom.” That’s no way to keep a nation unified and we’re failing at it worse by each successive generation.

  12. When have they gone too far, asks BFH

    Lets suppose they persecute and try a 17 year old kid for killing a person convicted of sodomizing a 5 year old boy in a clear cut case of self defense. In other words, they make a saint of a person who caused horrible pain and possible permanent physical and emotional pain to a 5 year, and demonize a kid who probably stopped a gas pump going up in an enormous fireball

    Id say that COULD be the moment they went too far. But until then …

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