Why Wokeness Is Ruining the Movies – IOTW Report

Why Wokeness Is Ruining the Movies

Hanania Newsletter

I haven’t seen much in the way of cultural explanations for what has happened. But I think that it would be a mistake to ignore the impacts of woke. Art reflects and speaks to human nature. When cultural and intellectual elites don’t like human nature and want to change it, they are less able to produce compelling works of fiction.

I’m not just talking about Summer of Floyd level of woke being poisonous to art. Even quite well accepted ideas about gender and sexuality, if taken to their logical conclusion, can wreak havoc. More

20 Comments on Why Wokeness Is Ruining the Movies

  1. We used to catch a movie every weekend when there was something worth seeing. Now, we haven’t gone to the movies in years for the very reason the article is based around. You might want to lecture me but so far I have the choice to not have to pay for it.

  2. Nope, I think I’m done with going to the movie theater. The last film I went out to see was Gosnell, a high-quality documentary about a horrible, horrible man.

  3. ‘Art’ (*liberal, etc..) has been driving the ‘culture’ for more than 150 years. We have all swallowed it down, bite by bite, drop by drop. And now, they are excreting that which cannot be ‘doctored’ with some facade of ‘freedom of choice’ or other ‘american value’, it is just the plain view of ‘the emperor’s new clothes’.

    Have fun with it all, because once you took the ONLY VIABLE OBJECTIVE standard of behavior for ALL areas of life (YHWH’s Instructions), eg The Way of Truth in Life, then you end up with division in ALL areas which is all Satan needs.

    It is the end from the beginning, nothing new under sun, that which has been will be again…etc… II Tim 3:ALL of it.

  4. “Art” today abuses, belittles and degrades those who patronize it. I don’t go to the movies anymore or watch much TV. Life’s short to expose myself to those who dislike me and my values.

  5. The fug would anybody drink a global beer brand while watching global entertainment.

    TV and movies and beer is not culture. We’ve denigrated and mocked our culture to the point we don’t have one anymore.

    Now, I’m no philatelist, but I’m pretty sure this is how civilizations fall.

  6. Is there a movie worth going to the movie theater to watch? I haven’t been to a movie theater in years. Once cell phones came out, that ruined movie going.

  7. BTW Disney is going down, we are sick and tired of their wokeness and preaching deviant sex, transgender, white discrimination.

    Seriously, attendance at their movies is down, they are losing millions at the box office, attendance at the parks especially in Florida have crashed and burned.

    Expect Pepsi-co, Anheiserbusch, an Arab prince or WEF to buy them out of the movie business. They have produced flop after flop.

  8. AND they are going to lose their ridiculous law suits against Florida.

    The legislature ended 21 other special districts last year, not only (Disney) Reedy Creek.

  9. I can just say “Free movies” into the Comcast remote and scan tens of thousands of movies to watch (some with and some without).
    Lots of classics and lots of modern stuff.
    Good stuff out there to watch.
    With high def television and surround sound, it’s a movie experience. Also, can freeze frame to take a pee break.


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