This is a Man’s World – But But it wouldn’t be nothing without a woman or a girl – IOTW Report

This is a Man’s World – But But it wouldn’t be nothing without a woman or a girl

.. and this is not a woman or a girl. This is a disgusting worthless slut.

James Brown was a better singer than he got credit for.

25 Comments on This is a Man’s World – But But it wouldn’t be nothing without a woman or a girl

  1. but white people can’t ‘sing’ along with her because they would be saying ‘niggas’. Whitey’s not allowed to do that is he/she?

    This is what passes as ‘talent’ these days. This generation has no idea what they have missed.

  2. One of my sons is dating a (half) black girl.
    She’s a redneck. Hates weaves and thinks the black culture being pushed is horrible and likes Bass Pro. lol

  3. “america used to have the likes of roni spector, martha reeves, mary wells, inez foxx. no longer.”

    To say nothing of Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, Sarah Vaughn, Dinah Washington, Billie Holiday, Etta James…sigh.

  4. The ghetto blacks lost morality decades ago. The result is counterproductive, dangerous and self-destructive.
    She’s another poster child of the ghetto gangsta rap subculture who refer to themselves as niggas.
    To this point, I agree, they fit my description, although their spelling was wrong.

    Yet the ghetto black subculture say intelligent, successful, patriotic, two parent black families are “Uncle Toms”.
    To this point, I disagree with their label.

  5. I feel really, really bad for the sound engineer.

    Once I worked with this band in a studio. We we’re about half way through the day when I asked the studio guy how we sounded. He said, “not bad.” I kidded around and asked him if he’d ever heard worse…. the look he gave me…. it was like looking into the eyes of a soul dead stuffed doll.

    I used to think it would be a cool gig. But after talking to that guy and seeing crap like this…. no wonder the dude was so depressed.

  6. Hip Hop, a vulgar cultural pestilent was created by the left to control and destroy an easily corruptible segment of the American population – the urbanized black population. It’s now spread throughout the American culture.

    This leftist master plan to corrupt the so called black culture was implemented by persuaded a group of people they have no purpose outside the parameters of the State. Then convince those same people to become grifters, whores, pimps, and murderers by abandoning God’s Word, adapt to amoral (sinful) lifestyles, live for self as a primitive, debased, self destructive, criminalized, drug addicted, Marxist indoctrinated, willful sexual deviants.

    Most black Americans in particular have become a shameful definition of leftist pawns. Locked into a destructive cycle. They’re a definitive example of what not to become. Doubt this situation will change anytime soon. Too few black urbanites are waking up and aware of leftist agendas target against them which are completely destructive.

  7. I’ve never paid attention to the race of the artist and am frequently complemented for my taste in music. My neighbor listens to a tiny bit of contemporary rap music, but the other day he had on Conway and Loretta for a couple hours while working in the yard. I was working in my yard and it suited me fine. My neighbor is black. The kid that owns the house across the street is 33 years old, I had Tone Loc on my Hi Fi set and was in the back yard and he and his brother came around and wanted to know what I had on. I had to stop and go into the house and set my disc player to repeat and left them to go back to work in the yard. Yup, Funky Cold Medina over and over again. Then the next day they were in my basement for about five hours sampling all kinds of early hip hop and having a ball.

    I’ve got a pair of Hafler DH-500 amps that are bridged to mono and hooked up to a pair of Speakerlab 4s down there and maybe 5,000 CDs. I don’t know, it may be more than that.

  8. Have you heard country rap? My neighbor plays it sometimes. Lots of “muthafucka” lyrics along with droning bass lines and strangling guitars. He has several young kids and apparently is OK with them hearing it.

  9. “Malcolm X daughter came at me
    Lookin’ ass niggas ain’t happy
    Rolled out with some Latin Kings
    And some eses in them plain khakis
    Smack bitches, no smack cam
    Closed fists, no back hands
    Pop-pop pussy on a hand stand
    They suckin’ dick like it’s band camp
    Call-call-call Web and then call Nitty
    Queens niggas in it’s all hoodies
    Kidnappin’ and then rob niggas
    Call D-Roc for a biggie
    Pussy-ass lil’ rap niggas
    I fucked with real trap niggas
    Pop star, icon
    But I send niggas come snatch niggas
    I’m with EBK, you on EBT
    Got a black nine, call it BET
    School niggas, get a GED
    And I tease niggas, make em B-E-G
    Got a money fetish, I’ma fly to Venice
    Got a big house I can play some tennis
    Lil Herb, what’s good?
    I’m a bad bitch and I fuck good”
    Nicki Minaj, “Chi-Raq”

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