I Was Going to Celebrate Juneteenth and Then I Got High – IOTW Report

I Was Going to Celebrate Juneteenth and Then I Got High

L.A. Taco

Younger generations like to get hella lit—to cope with their trauma, of course—but for an optimized Juneteenth, all served products [edible cannibas] should be titrated to the point of functionality. Overdosing at a party is, according to Chef Matt [Stockard], “tacky.” 

So, don’t.

And keep plenty of CBD on hand, just in case.

Because weed really does need to be inside Juneteenth. More

19 Comments on I Was Going to Celebrate Juneteenth and Then I Got High

  1. I’ve read a lot of ignorant shit in my time on earth. This pile of bullshit is about near the top of the heap. Glorifying “burning one” because…wut? It’s your culture to make yourself stupid? Fine with me.

    BTW it’s working.

  2. Every Juneteenth, I think of “June Teeth”. And that makes me think of “Summer Teeth”…Some are there, and some aren’t.

    Here’s some funnier stoner stuff from Cheech and Chong:

    What do you guys want?


    Hey, do you mind if I have a, bite of your hot dog?

    Huh? No, man, here, take the whole thing. [the cop takes a huge bite] Want some fritos?

    [through a mouthful of hot dog] No, this is fine! Thank you! Hey, you fellas have a nice day, okay?

    Man Stoner:
    Hey, man, what was that dude’s trip? I mean, what was he on, man?

    Man, I don’t know, but I wish we had some of it!

  3. I don’t really care what they do, I’m not around them participating or watching. Meanwhile at the gas station, a black woman’s car broke down at the pump, and she needed a battery jump. White hippie guy in the stall next to hers, moved his red neck truck to face her car. He jumped her car. She didn’t know how to put the hood down, so he got out of his truck and fixed it. I asked DH, I wonder how she feels about white people now? He said “I was thinking the same thing!” DH said “I would have helped her.”

  4. Don’t bogart that joint all you dumbass stoners in celebration of the bogus PC holiday of juneteenth. Roll another one, just like the other one and play Henry by The New Riders of the Purple Sage while you’re at it. He was coming down the mountain fast, fast, fast and if he didn’t make it this trip would be his last. Not everyone must get stoned.

  5. Lowell
    AT 1:53 PM
    ‘“I Was Going to Celebrate Juneteenth and Then I Got High”

    That you, Shaggy?’

    …if you like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo, don’t tune in the reboot where they eliminated Scooby Doo, mock the Mystery Machine, constantly talk about how small White Fred’s penis is, and turned Velma and Shaggy both Black and unfunny.


  6. So I’m confused. Juneteenth falls in the middle of pride month, so which group of victims has priority?
    I suppose a black gay man is the ultimate martyr today

  7. Biden’s ‘juneteenth’ bs should be recognized as the time he was puppeteered into the white house then enslaved all blaks with deception, lies, and trickery.

  8. Funny, Juneteenth recognizes those dum dums among us who are always ‘the last to know’ ‘didn’t get the memo’ ‘hadn’t heard about that rule’. Getting stoned on Juneteenth makes the most perfect cosmic sense, cuz what is a stoner but the guy who ‘never got the message’. Now, if I can find my car keys I’m gonna run down to the store and wander around trying to remember why I came.


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