Russian General Declares We Are Going to Use Mosquitoes Against Them – IOTW Report

Russian General Declares We Are Going to Use Mosquitoes Against Them


A senior Kremlin general claimed the US plans to use drones to unleash malaria-infected mosquitoes onto Russian soldiers.

Lieutenant-general Igor Kirillov, head of Vladimir Putin’s Russian Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops, bizarrely said the aim is to infect soldiers so they become ill or even die. More

13 Comments on Russian General Declares We Are Going to Use Mosquitoes Against Them

  1. Of course a great deal of information out of Russia isn’t necessarily true but, do not put anything beyond those in leadership positions in our own government. Absolutely nothing would surprise me at this point. Treaties, agreements, international “law” and even domestic “law” does not apply anymore. The goal is destruction of their enemies by any means necessary. We live in interesting times.

  2. I wish that mr. fungi would just go away. He’s rather toxic like magic mushrooms. The more I learn about him the more I dislike everything that he does. And I don’t give a rats patootie about much money he has, none of that money will ever buy him a satisfied mind.

  3. The US brought over Nazi scientists to continue research on making insects into weapons at Plum Island, NY, coincidentally across the river from Lime, CT, the place where lime disease was first appeared.

  4. “Previously, when Russia has made outlandish claims about the West or Ukraine, it means they plan to do that particular thing themselves.”

    lol I’m going to need some examples, Metro. And don’t you dare trot out Nordstream or the Kakhovka Dam.

  5. In the 1930’s the Japanese Military set up a bio-weapons unit in China to do similar things using airborne insects to spread disease amongst the population.

    It’s not a new weapons system at all. I think some older “civilizations” used to catapult diseased animal carcasses into their enemy’s towns and castles to have the same effect of killing as many defenders without losing any of its own.


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