Life on Saturn? – IOTW Report

Life on Saturn?

Study Finds-

Scientists searching for extraterrestrial life in our solar system have just made one of their biggest discoveries to date. While examining Saturn’s icy moon, Enceladus, astronomers have uncovered the presence of phosphorus — a vital building block for all life on Earth. Moreover, the team notes that the concentrations of phosphorus on Enceladus are over 100 times greater than they are in our planet’s oceans. Could there be an abundance of alien creatures living beneath the ice of our distant neighbor?

Southwest Research Institute’s Dr. Christopher Glein and a team of scientists made this discovery using data from NASA’s Cassini mission. The space probe explored Saturn, its rings, and the planet’s moons for more than 13 years before its journey ended in 2017.


18 Comments on Life on Saturn?

  1. Those astrophysics bozos get sexually aroused everytime they find a building block of life on some remote planet or rock. Why would the earth hog all the phosphorous anyway? It’s no big deal it would be found elsewhere. Big Whoop!

    I wish God would put an old shoe and a Pez Dispenser on Enceladus, placed where a probe would easily find it. Just to send those guys into a paroxysm of drunkenness and pants wetting, slapping each other on the back and saying “We predicted we’d find life on Enceladus, and now we have proof…never underestimate science.”

    It’s probably about a million degrees below freezing up there. What kind of life would exist? Walking, talking popsicles?

  2. “Moreover, the team notes that the concentrations of phosphorus on Enceladus are over 100 times greater than they are in our planet’s oceans.”
    So they want more money for more ‘studies’.

  3. I seem to remember the little bitches from the environmentalist movement pissing and moaning about the nuclear-powered Cassini even getting off the ground, especially the eurotard Greens. Now those same people probably want to put nuclear missiles in Ukraine.


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