Consensus? – IOTW Report


24 Comments on Consensus?

  1. That’s nucking futz.

    For openers, that’s a public bench. Not something I would want a baby with a developing immune system touching, let alone rubbing his mouth on. Kid appears to be lipping the hell out of it. Hard telling what crotch was there before his face was.

    And babies can be snatched in WAY less time than was available here. Public street, lots of quick exits including to a vehicle, White kid that would bring BIG money on the Pete Buttjudge rich gay baby purchaser market…I’m actually kind of surprised no one went for it.

    Babies can also fall in way less time than available here. Looks like concrete for the kid to fall on to me. THey tend to do headers at that age too. Not great reflexes and the design is still pretty unbalanced.

    Baby doesn’t look particuarly mobile but it also wasn’t trying. If its crawling it could make the street before she’d even know it was gone.

    So while its not as clear-cut a danger as leaving a kid in a car with the windows up is, it’s right up there and she probably at LEAST should be reminded that shit can happen pretty quick.

    For all the good it will do. The kids think they have all the answers now. Ain’t no one gonna listen to an older White guy especially, but at least since the kid ain’t Black I wouldn’t be called a rayciss…

  2. @AnonTrooper, lol! The guy would have an apoplectic fit if he saw my kid splashing in mud puddles in the fields behind us, going with me on my horse, playing with our chickens, etc. At least I teach him to never touch his face or eat before washing his hands. 😁 He rarely got sick and is still messing about with horses and chickens on his own horse farm now. And never gets sick.

  3. You can bet your ass if aske if she would leave her cellular phone on the same bench and turn her back on it she would think you were completely nuts. It’s about priorities and it’s all about their cellular phone. Go to any of my kid’s events at school. like a track meet, basketball game or whatever and 80% of the mothers and 40% of fathers are on their phone practically the entire time.

  4. Dude probably convinced his girlfriend to get a abortion. Assuming he’s not still a virgin. He sounds like a tightoants neckbeard. And is that his lil’ scooter which makes a brief appearance?

    In fairness, the woman looks to be a lazy, slovenly, phone-whipped sow. So I’d call it a draw.

  5. At least she didn’t put the kid up on the bench, where might fall. Also, she seems to have sized the dude up as not being any sort of threat, which is why I guessed tightpants neckbeard. Likely with spaghetti arms.

  6. The camera angle is too tight to see what she was doing. Kid’s fine. No one around and if she is just putting something in her car, no one is going to snatch the kid. Get off your phone? Sure, maybe. But that kid was in no danger.

  7. i have seen people take better care of their brand new luggage. appears to be some excess baggage. new, but excess baggage. if mom was washing the feetsys daily, i dont think she leave it on the ground.

  8. Millennial parents in general, disregard common sense concerning child rearing or most things in life. They’re very self centered, short-sighted.
    Leaving your baby unattended, uncomfortably leaning on a filthy, fecal-flecked public bench, kneeling on a dirty sidewalk, risking a busted skull after hitting the cement is a black hoodrat/white trash move. Not uncommon behavior nowadays.
    Sure, children at that age should be allowed to strengthen their muscles and coordination, test their independence, but under safer conditions. Not at risk of serious injury.
    That stubborn, careless, thick mother certainly deserved to be called out, even if it was by a likely flamer, metrosexual guy too emotionally invested in the situation.

  9. I think the man is correct, but his approach was poor. As a mother myself, I would never have taken my drink to my car first and left me baby alone like that. The pavement could have been very hot on the little one’s bare skin and a baby can be snatched in a moment. The women is clearly more concerned about her conversation/ beverage than her child and that is unfortunate.

  10. Not something I would do, but the scene did not give me cause for alarm either. I agree with above comment on phone at kids games. I purposely put mine away when go watch my daughter at her volleyball games.


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