USA Falls to #25 in Economic Freedom Rankings – IOTW Report

USA Falls to #25 in Economic Freedom Rankings

John Stossel

Politicians claim their bills bring us good things. Free health care! Child care! A cellphone for all!

But government isn’t Santa Claus. Government is force.

Most every law takes away a little of our money or freedom or both.

The Heritage Foundation ranks economic freedom across the globe. The United States once ranked No. 4 in the world, but we’ve been in decline. This year, as my new video explains, we’re 25th. More

4 Comments on USA Falls to #25 in Economic Freedom Rankings

  1. Ireland? Seriously, they just passed anti free speech legislation that will jail you for saying there are two genders and the like. Also they are being forced to cull 100k of cattle to comply with BBB BS. And they’ve been flooded with illegals.


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