Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Responds to Bombshell Texts: My Client Was Too Doped Up on Crack To Be Trusted – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Responds to Bombshell Texts: My Client Was Too Doped Up on Crack To Be Trusted

Hunter Biden was too doped up on crack cocaine when he invoked President Joe Biden’s name in threatening texts to a Chinese businessman to be taken seriously, his attorney said in a statement Friday.

The attorney, Chris Clark, said Hunter Biden’s “verifiable words or actions” took place “in the midst of a horrible addiction” and therefore have “no connection to anyone in his family.” The statement is an apparent reference to a July 30, 2017, text message Hunter Biden sent to an official with the Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC China Energy threatening that he and then-former vice president Joe Biden would come down on him with their full weight if he did not fulfill his “commitment.”

“We would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled.” Hunter Biden said in the message. “I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

Clark’s move to discredit his own client appears to be an effort to shield the president from the implications of the message. If Joe Biden was sitting next to his son as he sent the message as it suggests, it would be a blow to his repeated claims that he never discussed overseas business deals with his son. Ten days after Hunter Biden sent the message, a Chinese official associated with CEFC China Energy wired two payments totaling $5.1 million to the first son. more here

15 Comments on Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Responds to Bombshell Texts: My Client Was Too Doped Up on Crack To Be Trusted

  1. King Pedo paraded Prince Humper in a tux smooching on Baron Garland at a state dinner just to rub our noses in the paper.

    Absolutely act untouchable. They probably are, but now I’m not so sure.

    Random acts of real journalism broke like rotten eggs over the little cabbage patch doll’s muffin head along with Admiral Liar yesterday

    The Cowardly Admiral literally ran for the hills and left curly locks all alone with the lions.

    He is 100 times smarter and 10 times a better liar and because he is so intelligent he left the black crash test dummy holding the bag.

    He was clearly panicked and she was to stupid to end it right then and there.

    They chewed her up for 4 minutes straight and it was glorious.

    In addition after 8 hours of delay and boycott of the text from hell the MSM simultaneously pounced on the story with actual truthful headlines. That’s a definite red flare.

    I think the green light is given and King Pedo is going to be dethroned.

    Humpers lawyer’s desperation is palpable now. Humper is a degenerate of the first order and chronic drug addict but that shakedown text was quite lucid.

    The little reprobate obviously concentrates when money is at stake.

    The pictures of King Pedo and Prince Humper at home together on the same exact day is icing on the cake.

    I’m probably wrong, but the cat is out of the bag and I’m not sure anyone can stuff a screaming snarling monster back in.

  2. I’ve seen texts from people who are high and drunk.
    This is not from someone who is either at the moment.
    No spelling errors, no skipped words, no signs the texter is anything but sober.


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