Bill Burr On Abortion – IOTW Report

Bill Burr On Abortion

15 Comments on Bill Burr On Abortion

  1. I think it’s quite simple. If your mother had aborted you at ANY point during her pregnancy, you wouldn’t be here. That tells me when life begins.

  2. “(Embryos) don’t behave like clumps of cells. Instead, they appear to act independently, or autonomously, of any signals from the mother’s body, whether in or out of the womb. And “clumps” don’t do that. That means, as we suspected, embryos know what they’re supposed to do to live, and they try to live, whether they’re in their mother or not.”
    – Ana Maria Dumitru

  3. I guess not getting pregnant when having consensual intercourse is really difficult for some people and their lifestyle means more than life itself. A more selfish act does not exist.

  4. I want women to have a choice. Don’t spread your legs if you don’t want to get pregnant.
    If you choose to have sex and make a baby, don’t take the choice of life away from the child.
    “You have a God-given right to live inside your mother. To debate whether it’s right or wrong to rip you out of your mother’s womb? What in the world has happened to us?”
    If you don’t believe God exists at all, about the only hope you have at all is that he not be there. That’s your hope – Maybe he’s not there. What we’re saying is ‘We trust that he is.
    You are going to die. Don’t forget that.
    Phil Roberson

  5. If it’s not a human life, why do you have to kill it?

    I want to address that because our fundamental right that we all share in this room is life. It’s the first human right. Laws are meant to protect the week, in a society who’s the weakest? Who’s the weakest in society? A child. They don’t have a voice.
    – Lila Rose

  6. The Maine Legislature just passed a more terrible bill than California’s for killing babies. The new law will allow babies to be killed up to the point just before birth.
    The Dirty, Dirty Democrats waited until 2 Republicans had other commitments to call a vote and two Dems who were going to vote no were literally told to take a walk. A couple of cowardly Dems didn’t vote or show up so they can say they didn’t vote for this.

  7. But we still have babies that were forced into us. Some of us are only 12. Some of us can’t safely continue a pregnancy. And some of us will kill ourselves before we will give birth to a rape baby.

  8. So by Women Raped …. logic, if I am robbed, I should be free to make it right by theft, if your drunk kid kills my kid, I get to murder you, etc…

    Rape is certainly a horrible crime. Abortion far more so as it is pre meditated and cowardly. Fortunately God will forgive your sins, but I suggest urgently you stop calling evil good and look to Christ for help.


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