So, You’re Saying There’s a Chance – IOTW Report

So, You’re Saying There’s a Chance

Washington Examiner

A massive asteroid is expected to pass between Earth and the moon on Sunday night, making its way past Earth at 7:19 p.m. ET.

The asteroid 2023 MU2 will pass within 134,000 miles of Earth and is one of several that will pass Earth this weekend.

It is unlikely to pose any threat to Earth. NASA estimates that it will have one in 10,000,000 odds of impact and there is a 99.9999902% chance the asteroid will miss the Earth. More

17 Comments on So, You’re Saying There’s a Chance

  1. with just a point of His finger, God can redirect that thing any way He wants..Watch and pray always that you may escape the destruction to come..for it is coming….

  2. Uncle Al, that was one of five that are making a close approach tonight.

    One of which was caused from the DART mission last summer that crashed a space vehicle on an asteroid on purpose. Imagine the egg on NASA’s face if the debris from that mission is the one that hits earth and kills us all. Boy, will that be embarrassing.

  3. is that the same odds CEO Stockton, gave to its passengers upon descent to the Titanic? The ship that was declared unsinkable? Where have we heard that line of bull before?


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