Trump Support Gains Even More Steam – IOTW Report

Trump Support Gains Even More Steam


Multiple indictments, pending investigations, and being found liable of sex abuse and defamation in a civil suit apparently can’t keep him down: Donald Trump is even more in the lead in a new NBC News poll of 2024 presidential candidates. Per the Hill, Trump was the No. 1 pick of 51% of Republican primary voters. In second place was Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis with 22%—that’s nine points down from his April position, while Trump is five points up. Next up were Mike Pence (7%) and Chris Christie (5%); all other GOP candidates got 4% or less. Matched up with President Biden in a hypothetical election, the poll found Trump got 45% support to Biden’s 49%, Fox News reports.


17 Comments on Trump Support Gains Even More Steam

  1. People aren’t as stupid as the DOJ and their puppet masters like to think.
    All these bulloney indictments are just ticking people off more all the time.
    Trump is the only one who will go after them.
    He has the biggest reason to.

  2. And STILL they just can’t figure out why!

    1) WHY?…Because they (and mostly, we) LOVE him!
    2) WHY?…Because you just can’t fix STUPID!

    Soooo…Keep bringing in some more of your indickments, stupid!

  3. Odd to celebrate a poll that has Trump winning the primary yet losing the general to biden*.

    Oh well, I suppose “winning” is up for interpretation these days as long as that big-bad corporate globalist Bushie meatball DeSantis doesn’t get in, amirite?

    Fairwell and adieu to ye fair Spanish ladies…
    Fairwell and aideu to ye ladies of Spain

  4. It’s gonna be interesting to see just how far the GOP are willing to go to keep Trump out of office.

    That’s my take.

    It’s gonna be an eye opener for some to watch Republicans support election fraud in order to keep President Trump from getting the nomination.

  5. Anonymous is as anonymous does, and that is anonymous. The man in the mask should be a legitimate target, he’s ashamed of what he’s doing. Same for anonymous in talking. He’s ashamed of what he’s doing.

  6. “I don’t support commie lovers”

    Once again another Libtard that has no grasp of reality. You should leterally “not support” any Democrat, save one, and only maybe 3 or 4 Republicans. You should support Trump to your fullest if that’s your major concern. The Libtard, Globalist controlled CIA has been running around setting up coups taking down legit Governments and replacing them with Socialist Dictators for the last 40 years. And who do they support? Biden.


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