WH Transcripts Regularly Edit Biden’s Words – IOTW Report

WH Transcripts Regularly Edit Biden’s Words

Daily Wire

President Joe Biden is a self-described gaffe machine, but you wouldn’t always know that by reading the official White House transcripts of his speeches and remarks.

Sometimes, the transcript throws in a [sic] when Biden misspeaks. Other times, the stenographer adds a bracketed correction to Biden’s error. And every once in a while, the White House just cuts out Biden’s bizarre word salads altogether. More

8 Comments on WH Transcripts Regularly Edit Biden’s Words

  1. This is totally unremarkable once you put it in its proper context!

    “Forget it, Jake, it’s Gummint-town.” What you’re seeing is the output of the hagiographers of a vicious and criminal multiple-odious-personality cult. Multiple personalities because, always, Marx and Mousie Dung, and the current DNC granfalloon, plus the odiousest personality of all of them, Joey “the Bite” Biden.

  2. How many treasonous crimes has xiden “joked” about on camera and then son of a bitch, we find out he wasn’t joking. He did have the biggest election fraud operation in history. He did threaten to withhold a billion dollars if Ukraine didn’t fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma. Why would he do such a thing when he had fine upstanding son on the Burisma board? Now he’s joking about selling classified information. Next we’ll find out he did that too!!

    Anybody that doesn’t have the vacuum of space between their ears knows that already but it’s becoming so obvious even the MSM is starting to notice. Conservatives need a scalp and I can’t imagine lower hanging fruit than the xiden crime family.

    I think conservative media ought to devote a half hour a day to nothing but clips of xiden confessing to treason!


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