DeSantis Losing Ground on the Campaign Trail – IOTW Report

DeSantis Losing Ground on the Campaign Trail


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) net favorability rating plunged to an all-time low after his first full month on the presidential campaign trail, a Civiqs poll found.

In December, the Civiqs poll found that DeSantis’s net favorability rating was -1, with 46 percent having a favorable opinion of him compared to 47 percent unfavorable. 

As of June 26, DeSantis’s net favorability rating is -22, with just 34 percent of registered voters favoring DeSantis compared to 56 percent who hold an unfavorable opinion. An additional nine percent remained unsure. More

24 Comments on DeSantis Losing Ground on the Campaign Trail

  1. He knows that President Trump is being railroaded. He should have said something about all of the illegal lawfare that is happening and promise to bring an end to it if he became president.

  2. They built him up to be ‘Trump without the baggage’ which he is not and now people have gotten a look at him up close and his annoying wife and have moved on. Happens every election cycle. The people that get all pumped up by the establishment crash and burn. See Scott Walker.

  3. DeSantis would have done well to have not fallen for what The Party was selling. He would have done very well against anyone running in 2028, but he’s probably botched that all up now too.

  4. Wull, if I were running for office, and my goal was to address the concerns of my voter block, I think I would do some polling to see what their number one concerns about our Government are. That’s not what establishment GOP, or Democrats do. They tell you what you should be concerned about and then they’ll tell you how they will fix the problem. Personally, I don’t think that will fly anymore. DJT woke us up. I think there’s an excellent chance that if you polled likely Trump voters, MAGA peeps, and people that consider themselves conservatives, their number one concern would be the government. The non elected Government ass hole that doesn’t give a crap about the constitution, or following it. Our weaponized Justice Department. Our CIA that seems to think Socialism is a damn good thing. An electoral process that would let some brain dead moron be appointed as our Resident. I could go on. The list could easily be added on to. But I’m not the only one that thinks this shit needs to be fixed. NOW. Before we even have a chance of moving forward. And all those establishment RINOs running against Trump have been, and currently are, part of the problem. There’s two people that are currently running for office that are focused on this shit. DJT, and RFK jr. Tulsi Gabbard was talking about how the Democrats were going to get is into a nuclear war back when she was campaigning for President. At the time it seemed like a bit a fear mongering. But I’ll be damned. We’re in a world of hurt. It’s to bad we can’t get people like this to work together.

  5. “Hopefully, he can come back and finish his second term.
    I voted for him to two complete terms as Governor.”

    Interesting. I wonder how many Floridians are pissed off about that?

  6. For a lot of us, this isn’t our first rodeo. We watched as Republican establishment candidates were slipped in and took over and since we weren’t willing to keep running on that hamster wheel we just left. We recognized what was going down and I’m seeing the same thing with DeSantis… unfortunately. I had hope for the guy, but it’s not his comfort with the Bushites and Romney/Ryan types. It is that he appears to be one of them in sheep’s clothing.

  7. “Hopefully he can come back & complete his second term”
    Um, he didn’t resign.

    The fact is, DeSantis will still be employed in January 2025 no matter what.
    As for Trump? Not likely.
    Perhaps there’s an opening at Mar-A-Lago or in the library at the Fed pen?

  8. TRUMP2024 or BUST!
    DeSantis showed his TRUE DISLOYAL colors and he’ll do the same thing to MAGA and the country.
    DeSantis is a typical political opportunist. STICK WITH TRUMP!


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