EggCorns – Linguistic Mishearings – IOTW Report

EggCorns – Linguistic Mishearings

17 Comments on EggCorns – Linguistic Mishearings

  1. When I worked as a mail sorter years ago in Spokane for the USPS we would occasionally come across letters for Titsville, Ritzville, Wa., Boner’s Ferry, Bonners Ferry, Idaho etc. I don’t know if they were deliberate misspellings or a joke but it was always funny coming letters like that. As long as the zip code was right it got sent to the right town or city misspelled or not.

  2. A patchy fog >> Apache fog

    The bad moon is on the rise >> The bathroom is on the right

    and kudos to Patrick Stewart for pronouncing comfortable like the word comfort followed by able, not the pig ignorant “cumf turr bull”

  3. I shouldn’t start but here goes.

    In the history of combustion, mother has ever “caught on fire”. Things have caught fire or been set on fire but never “caught on fire”.

    Also, nothing has ever happened “on accident”

    I know you “could care less”, “so don’t I”

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