Dick Move? – IOTW Report

Dick Move?

41 Comments on Dick Move?

  1. notice how the speedometer was blurred out until it got below 80mph? when you rear-end someone, it’s always your fault (unless you got pushed, which wasn’t the case)

  2. I wasn’t there, but if I were the cop responding to a situation, and I notice some asswipe following me close like that…I’d probably take his ass out too not know what his intentions were. I’ve seen too many assholes on crotch rockets going like hell bent for leather on our highways so I have NO FUCKIN SYMAPATHY for him.

  3. It’s a dick move to brake check anyone at anytime. It’s also a dick move to follow too closely. GoPro’s shoot wide angle so what may look like a reasonable distance in this video, he’s actually much too close. Look at the lines on the road, he’s about 1-1/2 lane markings behind the cop, at 80MPH.

    However, a safety rule bikers should follow is riding in either the far right or far left position of the lane so if there is some asshole like this in front, it’s easily escapable with a small swerve left or right to exit the lane. The cop is a double dick because not only did he brake check, but he didn’t follow lane markings, confusing the biker’s escape route. Even a triple dick since you could argue he purposely was looking to inflict harm on a non-violent public citizen.

  4. cop was probably just trying to avoid a squirrel hesitating it’s way across the road

    dick move is what cops do to ‘neutralize’ the situation before innocent people get hurt. biker’s fault for not following at a safe speed & distance.

  5. They were both going pretty fast. The cop was passing everyone.
    If he wanted to stop the biker why didn’t he sliw down so the biker would get in front the turn the lights on?

  6. Definite dick move.

    Cops are notorious for traveling 90+ mph on GA highways and interstates in light traffic. I got pulled for 85 mph in a 65 on a bike a few years back. I went to court and it got tossed. The GoPro showed a dead speedometer on my bike and I was pacing LEO for over 5 miles. I had to get the speedo fixed within 30 days to avoid any charges.

  7. Beats me. All I know is a moving violation isn’t worthy of the death penalty without a trial.

    So….speeding….mouse sized dick move. Slamming on the brakes as a cop in front of said mouse sized dick move?….huge Orca sized dick move.

    Cop needs to go to jail.

  8. Dick move? I suppose so, but more importantly CRIMINAL MOVE.

    There is absolutely no excuse, legal or otherwise, for what that cop did. NONE. Callous disregard for human life. Assault with deadly weapon. I don’t care what you call it as long as you call it A FELONY.

    If the idiot guy on the bike had been shooting a hangun into cars he was passing, that would have made a difference. But that’s called reductio ad absurdum, friends.

  9. “Beats me. All I know is a moving violation isn’t worthy of the death penalty without a trial.”

    You’ll get no argument from me. What’s even worse is car chases in heavy populated areas. COPs have them being tracked by a helicopter in the air. Break off and save that family of five that are just driving home. Very stupid shit.

  10. I’ll brake check ya if I’m alone in the truck and you’re tailgating me. Drop below sight of my tailgate and it’s your ass. I don’t hog the passing lane ever, you’re welcome to pass. At first I’ll just slow down and give you every opportunity to pass me on the dots. Did it to a state cop once, and dared him to arrest me. I said didn’t you see the squirrel? Would have loved to have that asshole explain himself in court.

    Fucker was going over 80, too close to the cop. He got one warning.

  11. That’s it. Loco has pushed me over the edge. I have access to an earth mover dump truck. Anybody going over the limit is getting brake checked and or run over like a matchbox.

    Rules of the road. You speed, you die.

    If that’s where we’re at, I can play this game too.

  12. Burr, every single thread on iotw that barely even mentions bicyclists has people wishing death upon them.
    Why do motorcyclists get a fucking pass?
    Fuck those two-wheeling, arrogant cunts as well!
    A pox on their houses.
    Am I doing this right?

  13. everyone posting w/ their exalted opinions … including me … (insert ‘opinions/asshole analogy’ here)

    does anyone posting know the circumstances of this incident? was this dick biker evading police because he was fleeing from a crime? was the cop being an asshole because he shoulda just hit the brakes & opened his door to let the perp slam into that instead? I dunno … do you?

    maybe we should speculate that the ‘motorist’ was just going on his weekly jaunt & the fuzz just happened to have a hard-on for a speeding biker.
    oh wait!, I got it! … the biker was just going for his daily ride down the highway & the mean Mr. Policifier just wanted to make this poor, poor biker eat some chrome … yeah, that’s it!

    does anyone really think that this jack weasel was just tooling along & not evading … whatever he did? … I will just love to hear a retort … ’cause, unless you got proof, it’s all speculation.
    & we all certainly thrive on that!

    damn, I’m in a shitty mood tonight … I mean more than my usual shitty nightly mood …

    btw, ‘rules of the road’ sez you understand the circumstances … Always! … you distance! you understand that bikes take longer to brake than cars (the cope sure did!)… you slow down, hug the shoulders, look for alternatives … ALWAYS!!! … just like a boat, riding a ‘cycle ain’t the same as driving a car

    bujeebus! .. how many times have so many of us have been cut off by cars? been dumped in the shoulder? skidded out in the guard rails? you want to play Rocket Man on the highway? … Pay the Fukin’ Toll.

  14. Logo, that’s sick. You honestly think some guy riding fast deserved to get blown up?

    You….will be my first matchbox toy car crushed under this earf mover I now have the keys to.

  15. A: It was intentional
    B: The cop swerved so the biker couldn’t avoid him.
    The biker may have been speeding, but the cop intentionally created the incident. And apart from speeding, the biker wasn’t endangering anyone. Lawsuit and firing.

  16. Both speeding and being reckless. I didn’t see any lights on the cop car flashing so he shouldn’t be driving that fast.
    You don’t brake check. This rider will get a settlement for sure. The cop should’ve switched lanes and braked and signaled for him to slow down, flash his lights, but to do what he did was wrong.

  17. way to serve and protect PoS cop. we now live in a police state where hundreds of agencies can do with you what they wish. the police government will just find another PoS to replace this PoS if he loses his job. now get out their and write some paper

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