Democrats Try Selling the Nation on “Bidenomics” – IOTW Report

Democrats Try Selling the Nation on “Bidenomics”

The Hill

President Biden is attempting to coin a term central to his economic message in 2024: “Bidenomics,” using the slogan to highlight the work his administration has done to turn the economy around while differentiating his agenda from Republicans.

The president is set to tout his economic agenda to argue building the economy from the bottom up and the middle out is working. He has often said he is tired of trickle-down economics, which was part of former President Reagan’s “Reaganomics,” while at the same time reminding voters he is a capitalist. More

18 Comments on Democrats Try Selling the Nation on “Bidenomics”

  1. Bidenomics equals the same old liberal bullshit with a new name to fool the gullible masses. FJB! Adding nomics to the phrase is just as bad or worse as adding gate to any crime committed since Watergate. It does denote that bidenomics is all joey’s fault and his alone, so maybe that’s a good thing if you’re smart enough to figure that out.

  2. It’ll be interesting for them to explain how the government competing for resources with the private sector, raising interest rates and wasting borrowed money on boondoggles is good economics.

  3. Yes.
    The economic ruin of this once-great nation can be laid at the feet of both parties.
    They are complicit. Treason most foul.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. As I recall, the term ‘Reaganomics’ was invented by democrats and used as a slur.
    But these democrat people are so stupid they adopt bidenomics as a campaign slogan.

    I’d take Reaganomics over Bidenflation
    any day of the week.

    And Biden’s job numbers? If I lose my full time job (-1) and have to take 3 jobs to supplant it that’s (+3) netting (+2) jobs. Or maybe they ignore the -1 and only report the +3.

    Who knows with these weasels?


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