Sorry, This Made Me Laugh – Rioter Most Likely Killed By Friendly-Fire Vandalism – IOTW Report

Sorry, This Made Me Laugh – Rioter Most Likely Killed By Friendly-Fire Vandalism

28 Comments on Sorry, This Made Me Laugh – Rioter Most Likely Killed By Friendly-Fire Vandalism

  1. When the state has become the enemy of the people can be seen when people with opposing ideologies and none cooperate in the attacks. Yellow vest adjacent and made worse by protest precedent.

  2. To safely riot you should be wearing a hard hat, steel toed shoes, safety glasses, hearing protection, orange-glo clothing and a condom. It also doesn’t hurt to pay attention to what’s going on around you. When will the government form RSHA (riot safety and health act) and make rioting safe for everyone.

    Yes, I do know this happened in France.

  3. Goldenfoxx AT 6:20 PM

    You summed up my thoughts nicely.

    I would add; figure out the fall zone and STAY OUT OF IT!.

    This is called experience. Those dudes have some now. Hope they make the best of it.

  4. PHenry AT 6:21 PM
    Frogs will be frogs.

    Not two brain cells to rub together amongst the whole lot.


    There was a time they were noble fighters.

    That time has long passed.

  5. it is never wrong to destroy a government camera, as they will mostly be used against citizens defending themselves from Communists.

    Although gotta admit, the last couple police bodycam videoes have a happy ending…

  6. Toby Miles AT 6:39 PM
    “^^^ always wear clean underwear, too”

    …IDK, when I rolled up on an accident scene I generally didn’t get into folks underwear unless it was warranted, but I think its safe to say that the state of their underwear BEFORE the accident was mostly irrelevant because the state of their underwear AFTER the accident wasn’t going to be great regardless, especially if they were dead…

  7. Shit. Whoops. Remember the Jonsered training manual that came with your new Jonsered saw. Don’t sit on the branch and cut the branch off. Then there was something about bees getting in your lungs. If you fucked up really hard these little plus signs would somehow get inhaled. And you would get Xs in your eyes. You was dead, and shit. I don’t know… it’s a harsh world.

    “Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, and why we died. All that matters is that today, two stood against many. Valor pleases you, so grant me this one request!”


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