Hunter is So Coked Up – IOTW Report

Hunter is So Coked Up

ht/ woody

24 Comments on Hunter is So Coked Up

  1. I’ve been following these congress critters and politics for
    30 years and I can’t remember a shit show as memorable as this. This should be a turning point for the brain dead media. They can’t hide the fact that this was hunters bag of dope(.) It just might be where the gaslighting ends and the truth begins.


  2. It would not come as a surprise to anyone if the next release is regarding coming across a few stray skank hookers and can’t figure out whose they are either.

    Appears to me that Dr Jill is well aware the fucking idiot is blasted out of his skull.

  3. How coked up is Hunter? He orders ice cream and they give him Baked Alaska …when he bats at a baseball game they always give him a free base …he asked Head & Shoulders if they made anything to cure devil’s dandruff …he won a jitterbug contest when he was just sitting at a table …he uses coffee as a sedative …people give him a quarter to turn their beds into vibrating beds…

  4. Somebody needs go back and see where Hunter was when Zelensky came to DC. I’d bet good money that those two did a few bumps in the White House. Hell, Hunter is probably Zelly’s dealer, has been for years.

  5. Only sad when I see this total scum in our white house. Look at that Jill creature. The evil just drips off. No sh*ts given for the step son. The Joe creature is just an actor. God I miss Trump and Melania.

    -When Hunter walks away behind Jill.

    Joe is looking at Jill with some goober face but then glances over, clearly seeing what Hunter is doing, raises his eyebrows and smiles as if it’s cool with him.

  7. The rot in America is accelerating.

    We started down the slope into Hell with Wilson and with Biden we’ve reached terminal velocity – free fall.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. It’s obvious that Hunter, like his dad, is an exhibitionist who gets off on doing his thing in plain sight. And their brazen gall is actually admired by their less courageous fellow pervs in politics and the media. Just daring is to believe our own eyes and to do anything about it. No shame, no accountability in this political pride parade.

  9. I saw this and immediately figured he was using again.
    Distracted, bored, sweating, touching his face incessantly, and everyone around him just plastering a fake smile on their faces as he leaves to do more.


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