Mayor Adams, New York Times go to war over photo of fallen NYPD officer – IOTW Report

Mayor Adams, New York Times go to war over photo of fallen NYPD officer

NY Post: Mayor Eric Adams and the New York Times have gone to war over claims he lied about carrying a weathered photo of his friend and fallen NYPD comrade in his wallet for decades.

The dramatic spectacle erupted Thursday when the outlet alleged that a portrait of Officer Robert Venable that Adams says he has long carried with him isn’t legit — and is instead just a printed-out Google image that was doctored to make it appear old.

The mayor’s office immediately went on the defensive, furiously accusing the outlet of waging a “false attack” against him — even going as far as lining up several members of the slain officer’s family to publicly rebuke the claims.

“It is disgusting that The New York Times has chosen to have Robert Venable’s friends and family relive the tragic murder of a loved one for nothing more than feeding its obsession with dissecting every single moment of Mayor Adams’ life as the paper continues its unsuccessful campaign to paint the mayor as a liar,” his spokesman, Fabien Levy, said in a statement.

The crux of the Times’ story, based on a person familiar with the so-called ordeal, is that staffers inside the mayor’s office were allegedly pressured into manipulating the photo of Venable in January last year — just days after Adams first publicly revealed he carried the tiny portrait. more

9 Comments on Mayor Adams, New York Times go to war over photo of fallen NYPD officer

  1. I’ve lost friends and family and known fallen officers and firefighters. I mourned them in my time of mourning, celebrated their lives with others who loved them, and revere their memories and recall them fondly from time to time with others who knew them.

    But I don’t carry pictures of them around in my wallet.

    Guess I’m not as empathetic as dear, sensitive Mayor Adams, but it seems like one so sensitive would always sit at a slant for all the pictures under a single ass cheek…

  2. 12 years.

    That’s how long photos of dead people in wallets last. The colors fade and the ink transfers itself partially to the clear plastic window, leaving a ghostly residue of…well….a ghost.

    If you have it between pieces of paper it lasts longer but the same thing happens, friction against the paper in the wallet.

  3. “unsuccessful campaign to paint the mayor as a liar”…not to belabor the point, but we are all liars at one time or another, to one extent or another. If the mayor is trying to say he’s not a liar, well…he’s a liar.


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