Always Fascinating When a Dyed-in-the-Wool Lefty Can No Longer Go Along With Their Lunacy – IOTW Report

Always Fascinating When a Dyed-in-the-Wool Lefty Can No Longer Go Along With Their Lunacy

Ana Kasparian, the strident Young Turks “yes-girl” for the Fred Flintstone of “journalism,” Cenk Uygur, has said enough on one issue — transgenders.


Ana Kasparian, a co-host of the progressive “The Young Turks” show, slammed her fellow liberals Sunday for downplaying the risks involved in giving transgender treatments to minors.

Kasparian appeared on a recent episode of the Sitch & Adam show on YouTube where she denounced the transgender politics and cancel culture embraced by much of the modern American left. 

She talked about the phenomenon of “attacks on straight-news journalists who are doing their jobs,” and theorized, “The whole point is to intimidate journalists from doing accurate reporting on what’s actually occurring on the ground.”

She then spoke specifically about journalists like Jesse Singal facing punishment after reporting on what “some of the risks could be when it comes to transitioning literal kids with puberty blockers.”

Kasparian declared, “It is a lie that puberty blockers are reversible. In some cases they are not, and they can cause irreparable harm.”

She then said that her major point is that “withholding the information because you don’t like the information getting out there ain’t the way to go, because that destroys any opportunity for us to actually have a good faith debate about what we should do moving forward, what are the pros and cons.”

Kasparian has spoken out about gender ideology recently. In March, she scorched “inclusive” language and warned, “Please don’t ever refer to me as a person with a uterus, birthing person, or person who menstruates. How do people not realize how degrading this is?”


19 Comments on Always Fascinating When a Dyed-in-the-Wool Lefty Can No Longer Go Along With Their Lunacy

  1. Also, as she is aging and her looks fade, she is searching for some relevance & trying to develop some substance to what was originally a short shirts & cans out job.

    Face like a catchers mitt though…

  2. “person with a uterus” is insensitive, degrading, disrespectful, and hateful to the trans community. Anna should learn the proper term, “person with a bonus hole.”

    That’ll be a $10K fine and up to 5 years in jail. Pay up. Hey, not my rules, Anna, you and your people championed for this.

  3. Cynicism seems to predominate comments, lately.

    I understand why, but it makes me want to read less on this site, especially comments.

    There is plenty of that nastiness from the left. Sometimes, the stories are enough.

  4. Meanwhile at Trump’s friday rally he claimed he would stop communists & markers from entering the country. But does that include & not limited to, sharpies, crayons, highlighting markers, certain types of pens, “black & colored” markers.

  5. Annna, after all the years of abuse,hate and progressive arrogance you spewed at people like me you can Piss off ESAD and STFU. I don’t believe you are sincere for even a micro second.

  6. “person with a uterus” is insensitive, degrading, disrespectful, and hateful to the trans community. Anna should learn the proper term, “person with a bonus hole.”

    That’ll be a $10K fine and up to 5 years in jail. Pay up. Hey, not my rules, Anna, you and your people championed for this.


    I get that with comments such as this (and there are many others, not trying to pick on one person), people often are expressing anger and frustration. I get it.

    But can we take a look at this sort of reaction (not response)? Do we not realize we are shooting ourselves in the foot when we lash out at people who are trying to spread the same messages, promote at least some of the same ideals, and open eyes to truth, sanity, reality that we are? Why do we have to treat these people to the same sort of hatred that their “side,” sometimes previously having included that same person, did? Are we blind to the reality that rejecting their attempts to fight for our same cause, especially with nasty and personal attacks, does absolutely nothing?

    What if instead we – even if cautiously – signal an open dialogue with them, learn more about the mindset and reasons why their confederates believe what they believe, the rationale (or “rationale” if you prefer) that drives their thought processes? What if, instead of proving them right, that we are just a bunch of hateful assholes, we SHOW them (not just tell) that we are more open minded, willing to have an actual exchange and respect their voice, maybe sometimes even agree to disagree?

    Apart from that, we degrade the message of Jesus about forgiveness because we clearly are doing what they do: once you make a mistake you can never be forgiven, nothing you can ever do, no matter how long ago the offense or for how long and how hard now you try to prove you are sincerely trying to do better, none of that matters, you will *never* be forgiven. So for them, they will always be a roachlike creature undeserving of empathy or sympathy or even good will no matter what they do or how hard they petition for our cause, even taking hits from their previous (or even current) “side.” That is not what Jesus taught, and I think most of you even know the verse about those who refuse to forgive others. (Forgiveness, I often have to remind myself, is more for the forgiver, and does *not* absolve the transgressor of responsibility for their previous bad acts.)

    It’s a practical matter and a godly matter, and in neither way does it help us or those who benefit from a decent, moral society, to prove leftists correct by acting like hateful assholes toward them when they try to make amends.

    As I say, not trying to pick on any individual; there are many more and I’ve even seen much worse than this. I appreciate good American snark and ability to make certain degradations our own (e.g. “Yankee Doodle Dandy”). I’m also not saying we ought to be treating people like royalty, just the same consideration we want for ourselves. And this isn’t intended to be a lecture to others; for me it’s also a reminder to tread carefully when I choose to reject something.

  7. Half of my family is Armenian. We can’t stand her. She is an absolute disgrace. But yeah, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
    The fact that for years she worked with an Armenian Genocide denier turk hack cenk, and even invited him to one of the weddings her family had should tell you all you’d need to know about her.


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