17 Comments on Fat and Arrogant is No Way to Go Through Life
Well said!
Teachers put themselves on pedestals.
When I saw the headline I thought it was a story about either Chris Christie or another fat black chick.
The fat grub’s argument was the same as that used to impose the Hitler Youth on Germany and the Young Pioneers on the Soviet Union and Communist China:
that social indoctrination is the purpose of “education” not education.
And waving a “Masters in Education” is like having “I’m Stoopid” tattooed on her forehead. Education is the Academic Ghetto – look at “Dr.” Jill.
These people need to be farming asparagus in Alaska (fulfilling their totalitarian fantasies).
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
One look at today’s children says all we need to know about going in the wrong direction.
My sainted mother went to work late in life to send me to private school. Never really appreciated her sacrifices until she was gone. Thank you, mother, for sparing me from public school hell.
Having a masters in education doesn’t mean what she thinks it does.
That’s a warning signal when I hear it.
A college education is really a liberal indoctrination today.
These fools would let a non-entity AI run our lives. That say’s it all.
Teachers in this nation need to focus on Reading, Writing and Arithmetic until we are number ONE on the planet before entertaining ideas that detract from that goal! The plain fact is, if they actually did that in earnest they would never consider shoving some preposterous, wild-hare-up-the-ass theory down our kid’s throats in the first place!!
And by the way, if they “own” our kids, as some of them say they do, why is it a good idea to fuck them up for life?? Is that what you do with something you “own”???
I have TWO master’s degrees. So there!
Most brilliant person I know, dozens of patents and across different areas of technology, dropped out of college. Of course he is a conservative – I said he was smart, didn’t I?
Teachers get advanced degrees, but don’t generally see the direct result of their teaching, while people in pretty much any business see the direct result of their training, intelligence, and application (hard work). That’s why teachers get into government controls, communism, because it justifies their higher learning. Not really, but it appears to – and it just doesn’t seem fair that private industry makes all the money (because it takes all the risk) when they were the ones who taught those people. The logic is understandable, but it isn’t right.
Not many teachers that I know of aren’t bragging about what they do for a profession. Being fat tells me they are lazy, think about food all day, what’s for lunch and dinner. Arrogance goes with most people who like to tell you they are college educated and how many letters are behind their name. Arrogance will always come back and bite you on the ass. Why we saw firsthand of that with 5 billionaires, all educated, all arrogant, all met their demise, all in one place – KABOOM. I expect that to happen with arrogance on display. Bide your time, don’t get jacked up over this stuff, karma is still out working. I’m still giddy over male trannies having so much trouble being a chopped up, bound up, drugged up freak of a pot roast crying how they’re suffering. Makes my day!
In college I tutored Early Childhood Education majors in math. I tutored what were known as two time losers in math, they had already gotten State paid tutoring twice previously and still flunked Math 101 and this was their last time they got free tutoring. They were offended when I would tell them that they weren’t there to engage me in a one way enlightenment of the benighted, the Early Childhood Education majors had a real problem with that.
TRF — You said a mouthful!
Reading: So that people can know for themselves the primary source, the impetus of ideas; compare ideas to one another and to their own lived experiences; drawing their own conclusions about the world in which they live, and developing for themselves a body of knowledge, inspiration and wisdom.
(The inability to read cursive writing is no accident.)
Writing: Outside of the ability to speak — even poorly — writing allows us to add to the body of knowledge, inspiration and wisdom.
Arithmetic: Beyond the obvious practicality of a knowledge of numbers, it puts into the hands of the individual the ability to know when things just don’t add up.
There are many examples in history that show us why people have been denied mastery of those three basic skills and the outcome.
Well said!
Teachers put themselves on pedestals.
When I saw the headline I thought it was a story about either Chris Christie or another fat black chick.
The fat grub’s argument was the same as that used to impose the Hitler Youth on Germany and the Young Pioneers on the Soviet Union and Communist China:
that social indoctrination is the purpose of “education” not education.
And waving a “Masters in Education” is like having “I’m Stoopid” tattooed on her forehead. Education is the Academic Ghetto – look at “Dr.” Jill.
These people need to be farming asparagus in Alaska (fulfilling their totalitarian fantasies).
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
One look at today’s children says all we need to know about going in the wrong direction.
My sainted mother went to work late in life to send me to private school. Never really appreciated her sacrifices until she was gone. Thank you, mother, for sparing me from public school hell.
Having a masters in education doesn’t mean what she thinks it does.
That’s a warning signal when I hear it.
A college education is really a liberal indoctrination today.
These fools would let a non-entity AI run our lives. That say’s it all.
Teachers in this nation need to focus on Reading, Writing and Arithmetic until we are number ONE on the planet before entertaining ideas that detract from that goal! The plain fact is, if they actually did that in earnest they would never consider shoving some preposterous, wild-hare-up-the-ass theory down our kid’s throats in the first place!!
And by the way, if they “own” our kids, as some of them say they do, why is it a good idea to fuck them up for life?? Is that what you do with something you “own”???
I have TWO master’s degrees. So there!
Most brilliant person I know, dozens of patents and across different areas of technology, dropped out of college. Of course he is a conservative – I said he was smart, didn’t I?
Teachers get advanced degrees, but don’t generally see the direct result of their teaching, while people in pretty much any business see the direct result of their training, intelligence, and application (hard work). That’s why teachers get into government controls, communism, because it justifies their higher learning. Not really, but it appears to – and it just doesn’t seem fair that private industry makes all the money (because it takes all the risk) when they were the ones who taught those people. The logic is understandable, but it isn’t right.
Not many teachers that I know of aren’t bragging about what they do for a profession. Being fat tells me they are lazy, think about food all day, what’s for lunch and dinner. Arrogance goes with most people who like to tell you they are college educated and how many letters are behind their name. Arrogance will always come back and bite you on the ass. Why we saw firsthand of that with 5 billionaires, all educated, all arrogant, all met their demise, all in one place – KABOOM. I expect that to happen with arrogance on display. Bide your time, don’t get jacked up over this stuff, karma is still out working. I’m still giddy over male trannies having so much trouble being a chopped up, bound up, drugged up freak of a pot roast crying how they’re suffering. Makes my day!
In college I tutored Early Childhood Education majors in math. I tutored what were known as two time losers in math, they had already gotten State paid tutoring twice previously and still flunked Math 101 and this was their last time they got free tutoring. They were offended when I would tell them that they weren’t there to engage me in a one way enlightenment of the benighted, the Early Childhood Education majors had a real problem with that.
TRF — You said a mouthful!
Reading: So that people can know for themselves the primary source, the impetus of ideas; compare ideas to one another and to their own lived experiences; drawing their own conclusions about the world in which they live, and developing for themselves a body of knowledge, inspiration and wisdom.
(The inability to read cursive writing is no accident.)
Writing: Outside of the ability to speak — even poorly — writing allows us to add to the body of knowledge, inspiration and wisdom.
Arithmetic: Beyond the obvious practicality of a knowledge of numbers, it puts into the hands of the individual the ability to know when things just don’t add up.
There are many examples in history that show us why people have been denied mastery of those three basic skills and the outcome.
“A” students, teach “B” students, to work for “C” students.
There is education without intelligence and intelligence without education.
Colleges and Universities are for profit institutions, education is secondary.
Check out #18 on this list.
The same thing has happened with health care with the passage of Obamacare.
$240 Million paid to 11 people. Why they want to euthanize poor people.
100% Agreed!
Math, English, Science, & Fitness
Maff, Inlishh, Scoince, & Gender
It was in Toronto when I first heard A principle state that They Consider themselves Co-Parents, years ago. HELL NO!
.defenders of America?
.die fools, keep sucking homo/illegal alien/muslim/negro dick & swallowing
So if the schools “own” the children, when do we get child support checks and food vouchers?
According the BOT posting above yours, It looks like you don’t need the money since your second GIG pays so well.
Cheers, just screwing around.
Educated beyond their collective intelligence.