Chiropractics Gets a Well Deserved “Adjustment” – IOTW Report

Chiropractics Gets a Well Deserved “Adjustment”


Those in the profession are trained to relieve musculoskeletal problems, like back and neck pain, for example. Spinal adjustments, also known as “subluxations,” are also common. A dangerous practice that has been heavily criticized, spinal manipulations are associated with a number of adverse effects, including the risk of stroke. As Dr. Ernst has noted, the cost-effectiveness of this particular treatment “has not been demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt.”

Not content with spinal and neck manipulations, some chiropractors offer to treat other conditions — like diabetes, for example. They are not trained to treat diabetes. Other chiropractors appear to take joy in torturing infants.

23 Comments on Chiropractics Gets a Well Deserved “Adjustment”

  1. Agree Matt. ALL doctors are suspect. I have also been hurt by excessive neck “Adjustment”. Never went back. But who was more evil? The quack chiro or the quack heart doc? both tried to kill me.

  2. I went to a chiroquackter back in the ’70s. He had me stand in front of a screen for an x-ray. He kept moving my head to the right until my body was a S shape. Then he told me that I had a curved spine. I laughed at him and left.

  3. I have been to two chiropractors.
    1st one helped with a hip and leg problem. I like him, but he retired.

    2nd one is much younger and has a different approach. I like this on too.

  4. The only relief for a pinched nerve that affected my entire arm (couldn’t rest my elbow on anything without severe pain) and made it useless was chiropractic. After just two quick chiro sessions everything was right as rain. I’d had several massages and advice to get cortisone shots. Nothing worked. It turned out to be a slight compression of my 3rd cervical vertebrae which pinched the entire nerve bundle running across my shoulder and down my arm. The culprit was too much of the wrong posture staring at a computer screen for my work. Not only did the chiropractor solve the immediate problem, but he advised proper posture, and I haven’t had a recurrence since — and that was over a decade ago. The secret to a healthy back is in maintaining a strong core so that your poor back doesn’t have to bear all the strain by itself.

    I’m overdue right now for an adjustment to fix an obvious hip and knee problem on one side. I’m loathe to have an allopathic M.D. messing around with me. They either want to drug or cut, or both! The body is a miraculous thing. Often times all it needs is gentle realignment and good rest, and it can heal itself beautifully.

  5. I’ve been impressed by the Osteopathic doctors (DO, not MD) that have treated me and my wife. An unbalanced skeletal system can cause lots of problems but some things like diabetes need medical treatment. DOs are trained to do both.

  6. My Dad took me to a chiropractor a few times when I was 8 or 9. Afterwards I always felt like I had stuck my finger in a light socket. I’ve never been back.

  7. A friend of mine suffered one of those chiropractic strokes. He recovered; but, butt, now he has a stint in his neck holding the delaminated inner portion of his artery against the outer portion.

    Invention-A for today – Postmortem Chiropractic

    Invention-B for today – Fetal Chiropractic

    Invention-C for today – Combine Invention-A with Invention-B.

  8. Chiropractic is kinda like vaccination from my perspective. Back in 1999, my employer arranged for vaccinations in a conference room off the building lobby. Whilst returning from lunch, I noticed the cleavage nurse standing in the doorway to said conference room like an harlot in a window in the red light district of Amsterdam. I scooted in for my free medical procedure. A free cleavage chiropractor might get my attention.

  9. Can’t imagine life without chiropractic adjustments. I guarantee that other docs would have handed me pain pills or suggested surgery. Thank god for some bit of medical choice and freedom.

  10. I was offered chiropractic for the three partially ruptured disc in my lower back as part of my insurance package.

    I preferred icing the area for two weeks, I’ve recovered just fine.

  11. I’ve written this before, but I think it’s important to recognize that there are different types of chiropractics, that they can be extremely helpful, and some are risky.
    My first chiro, for about 12 years, was a ‘classic’ twist and jerk type. She solved some problems that absolutely needed solving. But my trust in her was diminishing, and on my last visit, which was to correct a low back problem, she also twisted my neck and it was slightly off. We both recognized it. I should have just gone back in a couple of days and I’m sure she would have corrected it, but I had lost trust in her. 3 years later… and my neck had been bothering me the entire time, I asked a friend for a recommendation. And I asked the right person! He recommended his, a ‘Directional Non-Force’ chiropractor. No violent twists, just some odd and nonintrusive checks, and the fix a simple nudge to push the vertebra (or other bone) back into place. Only problem is there are very few of these. Mine was in West Los Angeles, I lucked out when I moved to Boulder, CO, but now in Charleston I think the nearest *might* be in Atlanta. I can’t recommend them highly enough, had my L.A. one for a dozen years and she fixed a lot of problems – and was my second phone call after leaving the ER when I took an F-150 to my driver side door.
    Going back to the ‘twist and jerk’ types, a friend who was in the prime of his life, in great shape, had a neck adjustment that turned into a torn blood vessel, a stroke, and very nearly death. He’s 99% okay now, 5 years later, but it was really close. I talked about it with my Boulder chiro, his estimate was that it happened about once in a career, although of course it depends a lot upon skill level. Fortunately for him, his style doesn’t carry that risk.

  12. There is an activator method taught by Palmer Chiro school that is extremely beneficial, not the snap/crackle/pop style. Most dont practice that type of tx because it is more time consuming.

    This was a hit piece. Now do one on big pharma quacks that promoted the jab with a vengeance.

  13. #Kcir
    Like you, many years ago, I would have had to leave the metal fabrication business that I love.
    Cement floor 10 to 14 hours a day. (when I was younger) Lifting anywhere from 50 to 150 lbs daily, and a genetic predisposition for back pain… Dad had it, my sons have it, made my chiropractor an invaluable part of my healthcare.
    I never left his office with an appointment. He always said “Call me”. With no insurance, I always paid at each visit, usually no more than $40.
    He’s retired now, and I have found myself being more careful to not throw anything out of place, but I am actively looking for a new guy to help me with the headaches I get when my neck gets out of alignment.
    Chiropractic is old school healthcare which after the last three years of hospital conglomeration and pharmaceutical company corruption. maybe it’s time we got back to the basics.

  14. I should add that I did learn a lot about preventative care from my first chiropractor. First thing I do every morning is take a hot shower, then do some easy arm swings, lie on my back and easily twist my neck to each side, then back to front, then pull the top of my head to each side. Usually some cracks there and nothing dangerous.
    Another great spine opener is to lie on your side in sort of a fetal position, joints at right angles, then ‘open the book’ by reaching your top arm back and looking at the ceiling. You can hold a few seconds, then ‘close the book’ and do on the other side. If your spine needs to crack, that will usually do it.

  15. Anyone who allows a Chiropractor to work on them deserves whatever happens to them. Their is absolutely NOTHING a Chiropractor can do for your health that a competent Physical Therapist cannot do. And a great many things they can do to you to HARM YOU. It’s a “rubber chicken, witch doctor” type of “medicine”.

  16. Used Chiropractors before, but my warmup includes hanging for a minute on the over-the-door cervical traction device & a couple minutes on the inversion table before my workout.
    for a one-time investment, they do essentially the same thing, except very passively, & no charge.


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