Stoke Violence… Minimize Penalties… Usher in Big Brother – IOTW Report

Stoke Violence… Minimize Penalties… Usher in Big Brother

29 Comments on Stoke Violence… Minimize Penalties… Usher in Big Brother

  1. There was an interesting tweet underneath that one:

    Ray Epps is suing Fox for saying he was inciting the issues on January 6? I would like to see hims explain away all of the videos of him telling people to enter the Capitol and how, considering he is one of the mains people on video urging that but his name just happened to get dropped from the FBI wanted list.

    But Fox can just FOAD at this point.

  2. He believed in Trump, until the violence started. Voted for Donny twice, do you think he will do it a third time? Poor poor Donny, just a victim of soikemstance.

  3. A better solution would be to pack up and move out of Portland. Some people (cities) can’t have nice things.

    I doubt that camera will make it past 24 hours before one of the locals either takes a baseball bat to it or puts a 9 mm round through it.

  4. Capitol, capital, you are all retards and are all equally worthless. You can’t even make a sentence.

    Fuck off, eat shit, and die.

  5. @ RadioMattM AT 12:07 AM

    Discovery and deposition under oath is a bitch. But, this is not a sincere lawsuit. It is exactly what I have expecting that smarmy little rodent Paul Ryan to cook up. Both sides will be focused on the same end. This as easy to spot as a setup as was the January 6 setup. It will be scripted and choreographed to result in poor, poor Ray Epps, they branded this totally innocent man who never even heard of the FBI before being accused of working with/for them. Oh, the humanity. How could they. Give him 10 Big for what you have done. You monsters.

    Then: see, see we told you all along Ray Epps wasn’t a fed, but you didn’t believe us. Now we have proof.

    For Christ’s sake Ray Charles can see right through this fucking second rate Kabuki Theater production and recognize it for what it is.

  6. So you are happy with joetato, and his destruction of the economy? Silly inflation, silly energy costs, silly destruction of the workforce? Silly taxes, and the silly destruction or your long-term, or even short-term holdings?

  7. ^^^^^^^
    You are correct. And then they will arrest him for crimes against communism. And that’s when shit goes kinetic. Lindsay Graham and Rohnda will bare testimony Trump s a traitor. It’s a short walk to the gallows from there. Reminds me of one of my all time fav tunes performed by, “The Seeds”. lol

  8. “Brad you need mental help quick!”
    Could be. If this is Charlie Walks On Water thinking he’s funny you need need to STOP. Now. You’ve pushed it to far. If it’s not, my apologies. But it’s the risk you chose to take. Shit is getting real. Pick a side.

  9. Who is this Rohnda you speak of and why are you so afraid of him/her, Brad?

    BTW, that nickname ends in NDA which is short for Non-Disclosure Agreement that Stormy signed after diddling Trump.
    The Stormy cunt broke that promise…
    Poor guy can’t get a little extra side slice without it biting him in the ass.
    Might want to keep it in his pants next time…

  10. It wasn’t Portland, it’s WA. In Tacoma. WA is gone, 100% mail in has sealed the deal. If anyone here thought Inslee was bad(and he is) next up(Ferguson) is gonna kill ya.

  11. When I first started listening to Rush in 1990 I remember him saying the Democrats liked to create problems so they could swoop in and solve the problem with expanded govt.
    Since Obama they’ve gotten bold about it and then after Trump exposed the swamp so clearly they openly execute their operations.

  12. Word has it Barry has anal cancer and his time is up.
    The jabbed are dropping like flies
    Fauci hates Fags. Terminated a ton.

    Ronnie D was discovered to be a tater to Merika
    Trumps 100 million voters are still here
    Things are looking up.

  13. Leftist ideology leads to a holistic revival of the phrase ‘nasty, brutish and short’ when describing human lives.

    They have only begun the program of elimination. Destruction of tradition and institutions thereby implied, drugs, pornography, officially sanctioned gambling, coercion to pretend all kinds of sexual perversions are ‘normal’. Using the jaws of government and the underclass to crush the middle into subservience, shots to kill, maim and neuter, wild hysteria of tiny minorities blown into ‘causes’ and war.

    The war will allow repudiation of debt, reduce population further, eliminate most consumption beyond subsistence, and drive the proletariat into files and ranks under the overlord’s control.

    The four horsemen are walking their steeds into the square and we squawk impotently into the ether.


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