Seems Like “Sound of Freedom” Is the Hottest Ticket in Town – IOTW Report

Seems Like “Sound of Freedom” Is the Hottest Ticket in Town

American Thinker

We have received multiple emails from people saying that theaters are telling patrons that air-conditioning is broken in the auditoriums showing the hit movie Sound of Freedom and offering another movie or a refund.  Many people fear that a campaign is underway to suppress the box office totals for the film, which exposes the sex-trafficking of children.  The box office success of SoF is particularly embarrassing for Disney, whose ridiculously expensive Indiana Jones movie is performing poorly and unlikely to earn a profit, because Disney reportedly sat on the rights to distribute Sound of Freedom for five years, only to relinquish the rights and see it become a smash hit.  Unhappy shareholders may well question the wisdom of retaining current management if SoF becomes a mega-hit based on word of mouth. More

17 Comments on Seems Like “Sound of Freedom” Is the Hottest Ticket in Town

  1. Larry, are you even committed to the cause? They all need to be locked up. They’re house’s burned. Cattle raped and womenfolk stampeded.

    Sometime I have my doubts about you,Lawrence.

  2. Trying to discredit the film by associating it with Qanon is all they have left. There is nothing in the film that is in any way associated with conspiracy theories. However outside of the film, there is an undeniable connection between progressive politicians who are trying to normalize pedophilia (for example relabeling child rapists as “minor attracted persons”, and grooming kids in schools.

    By the way, the movie was well attended at our local multiplex cinema, and showing in several screens.

  3. When I went and saw Jesus Revolution earlier this year the theater had afire drill that was conveniently near the last 10 or 15 minutes of the movie and we all had to evacuate the theater immediately. I have never had this happen before while watching a movie and I wonder if it was a coincidence to keep the people who were watching the movie from seeing the end of Jesus Revolution. And they didn’t even give us a partial refund as we exited the theater. Something just wasn’t right about the timing of that fire drill.

  4. Hollyweird can’t handle the truth of the Gospel anymore and will do anything and everything to discourage Christians and others from watching movies like Jesus Revolution and Sound of Freedom. I will not go watch the new Indiana Jones movie, it’s another Disney clunker like what they did to John Carter and The Lone Ranger. Walt Disney’s frozen head and body must be spinning mightily inside that cryogenic freezer they entombed him in.

  5. The so-called Qanon connection is because the SoF star repeated the info that purveyors of trafficked children, I don’t know, “bleed them” (the children) or somehow to obtain adrenaline from the children while the kids are highly agitated/frightened, which apparently increases their adrenaline output. The practice, which I think is what Qanon coined, is adrenochrome-ing (or something like that). As if being kidnapped and forced into slave labor or sold as a sex toy for years isn’t quite enough for the evil minions, right? I guess they draw the line at what they claim is a conspiracy too far! Have they no shame at all for protecting against the end to their human commodity? All the evil in the world pales against adults gratifying their soulless sexual deviance with these defenseless babies.

    Watch, pray and maintain the oil in your lamps. He’s soon coming.

  6. Went and saw it today and I have to say it was intense 😢

    There is a dark side in this world we live in and this movie sheds light on the subject matter very well.

    Pray for the children because “Gods children are not for sale” 🙏❤️🕊️

  7. I saw this movie with a friend, it make me nauseated. My friend sobbed most of the 2 1/2 hrs. It is a reenactment of a true story, no “conspiracy theory” involved. Eye-opening to learn that there is more $ in trafficked humans than in illegal drug and arms sales. Drugs are a consumable, but you can sell a human 5 or more times per day. On Rotten Tomatoes, if they are to ever be trusted, the movie has a 76% reviewers score and a 100% positive audience score with 10,000+ verified reviewers.


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