“When We Reduce Population” -Harris (“WoooooooooHoooo” -Audience) – IOTW Report

“When We Reduce Population” -Harris (“WoooooooooHoooo” -Audience)

“When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breath clean air and drink clean water.” – Kamala Harris

27 Comments on “When We Reduce Population” -Harris (“WoooooooooHoooo” -Audience)

  1. Judging by her step-children and the children of those of her ilk, if they had fresh air to breathe and clean water to drink, they’d just fuck it all up from their preening ignorance, arrogance, narcissism, and complete lack of understanding of how things work.

    Take any city on Earth for example – teeming shit-holes of crowding, crime, rats, violence, hate, racism, and despair for the most part.
    All run by the likes of her.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Reducing the population is to save their tails because they blew all the money in Social Security by dipping into it. They treat it as petty cash.
    We’re living to long and they don’t like it.

  3. reduce population,

    Heh, Trump and Biden tried that 3 years ago. They even took out some “expert” doctors pushing their holocaust. Some of us were just too smart for you people.

  4. whitehouse.gov has already cleaned it up for her, by striking the word ‘population’ and inserting the word ‘pollution’ in their transcript. national archives will probably follow suit. msm will either gaslight that correction or ignore it completely. They don’t even wait for something to have a chance to actually become history before they re-write it.
    many such cases

  5. I’d like to see the numbers on government pensions compared to Social Security.
    Plus the fact that the Gov pension people receive social security. My brother in-law retired with a state pension. He’s doing better than when he was working.

  6. I’m not at all convinced that population reduction would be a good thing, so let’s do a controlled experiment. There are already two definable groups available, so lets use them. Kill off half the progressives but leave conservatives alone. Then we will be able to see which group benefits.

  7. @ SNS AT 8:28 AM

    “…If “Republicans” had any ballz or actual interest in winning, this would be a campaign commercial…”

    Nigga please! Do you actually believe that establishment Republicans don’t see protecting the status quo and/or incrementally implementing the progressive agenda in a deliberate structured and measured way maximizes the benefit to them? They are among the most cold, calculating self interested covetous and ambitious bastards ever assembled. Not a fucking one them them isn’t a glowing example of “Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I’ll show you a crook.”
    ― Harry Truman

    In Hary Truman’s day they operated in the shadows, today they really don’t give a flying fuck and do what they do in broad daylight. I’ve pointed to the stone cold natural fact that followers of the progressive movement look up to and envy their ability to get away with this shit. They allow and protect it. I can’t even begin to count how many times I have repeatedly posted that the Republican establishment is a wholly owned subsidiary of the progressive movement.

    That’s what we are up against. And in referencing the royal we, I’m referring to Constitutional conservatives or MAGA. If you don’t recognize what they recognize, that it’s them against us, it’s hard to fight them. You can’t actually believe that Satan’s worker bees they infiltrated into every institution, from our religious institutions to the Boy Scouts were part of the solution and not plants who were there to destroy those institutions from within any more than you can believe in the Tooth Fairy.

    Trust me on this, there isn’t a single fucking establishment Republican who is not focused first and foremost on preserving the status quote and licking their chops while drifting off to sleep tallying in their mind what they pulled down each day. Their words mean nothing. The sonsabitches don’t have it in them to utter an honest word.

  8. The schools and culture are dumbing young people down so badly none of them will be able to run anything so gas engines won’t be an issue.
    A new dark ages

  9. She reminds me of a child repeating something she overheard her parents say last night at home, TO ALL THE WORLD!

    No context, off subject, just blithering the words her parents said in the privacy (faux privacy) of their room, maybe even during an argument, using phrases meant to zing each other!

    That’s camela.


    Key ‘big words’ she has pounded into her short term memory strung over other words she manages to remember.


  10. Nitwits like this hot mess act like they can play God without consequences 😩

    It isn’t going to end well for them 😡

    Continued prayers for our country 🙏🇺🇲

  11. Every student who cheered this should kill themselves and forward the Agenda a little more. They can be proud of it and won’t be forced into paying off those student loans.

  12. Start with people like yourself, Kamala. You & those like you bring nothing to the table. You build nothing, create nothing, none of you are even on nodding terms with what an honest day’s work even means. You get wealthy, along with those in your orbit by robbing working folks by taxation. Yet, it’s never enough & all the uniparty does is dream up ways to tax & rob even more. We would all be so much better off & able to look out for ourselves without the likes of you telling us how much better off we will be with you making our decisions for us. Fuck off.

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