How DARE You Assume Hunter Biden Left Cocaine in the White House!! – IOTW Report

How DARE You Assume Hunter Biden Left Cocaine in the White House!!

Where would anyone get such an idea?

Hunter Biden was discharged from the Navy after testing positive for cocaine. Hunter Biden once returned a rental car with cocaine in it. Hunter Biden left a laptop at a repair shop, that had pictures of him doing cocaine on it. The Left: HOW DARE YOU ASSUME HUNTER LEFT COCAINE IN THE WHITE HOUSE?! Please help me to understand.

23 Comments on How DARE You Assume Hunter Biden Left Cocaine in the White House!!

  1. News flash: It was confirmed, beyond any doubt, that it was Hunters the very instant the Secret Service announced that they had no idea who was responsible.

    Get real.

  2. As long as the rich keep getting richer, all is fine in Washington. Taxpayers need to stay focused on paying their taxes and stop bad mouthing Washington, they know what they’re up to.

  3. I have a hard time pointing at Hunter because this entire administration appears to be stoned out of their minds.
    Name me one competent, grounded member of this administration.

    I’ll wait.

  4. You would think that for something a serious as finding a white powder in the White House, they would have moved heaven and earth to find who was responsible. But they have no idea and close the investigation in less than two weeks?

    Didn’t they take longer than that to investigate the “noose” on that black NASCAR driver’s garage door? To be fair, in that case they probably did as much as they could to blame it on someone so they could prosecute but that proved to be hard to do considering every garage door in the place had the same thing. However, Columbine was said to be racially motivated because out of all the victims, one of them was black.

  5. OK, it may not be cunter’s.
    There are others that could be possible suspects, but he is suspect numero-uno!
    According to a very well known previous secret service agent the only people that don’t go through an extensive screening process are the white house resident’s family members.
    You know the adage – KISS…keep it simple stupid. The simplest explanation for a mystery is almost always the truth.

  6. I stated on this website they wouldn’t find who did it. Hunter isn’t the reason why they didn’t find it though. DEMOCRATS. When democrats do something wrong no one is held accountable.

    For their next trick, things like this won’t ever come to light. People will be trained to shut the hell up before anyone ever knows.

  7. The “media” is composed of corrupt bastards, child molesters and lunatics. Why wouldn’t they protect someone who is a fellow corrupt bastard, child molester and lunatic?


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