House Passes a Military Spending Bill – IOTW Report

House Passes a Military Spending Bill

The Hill

The Republican-led House has narrowly passed an annual military spending bill packed with GOP priorities that have become hot-button issues for conservatives.

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which squeaked through on a 219-210 vote, typically passes with broad bipartisan support. This time, only a handful of Democrats crossed the aisle to side with the Republicans, citing the measures targeted at abortion (it would ban military aid that’s provided to members seeking to terminate a pregnancy in another state) LGBTQ people (it would ban the military from covering gender-affirming care) and diversity (it would eliminate the military’s chief diversity officer and ban some diversity initiatives).

A defiant House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told reporters after the vote: “Sorry to disappoint you … Yes, it passed.” More

The bill will head into reconciliation with the democrat controlled Senate where you can expect all the provisions you liked to be stripped out. – Dr. Tar

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