Trump Announces He Will Likely Be Indicted For Jan6 – IOTW Report

Trump Announces He Will Likely Be Indicted For Jan6


Former President Trump says he’s been informed that he’s a target of the Justice Department’s investigation into efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Trump made the claim Tuesday in a post on his Truth Social platform, saying that he received a letter on Sunday from special counsel Jack Smith informing him that he is a target in the Jan. 6 investigation. It’s the second time Trump has received a so-called target letter from Smith, with the first coming in June related to Trump’s handling of classified material and his alleged obstruction of efforts to recover the documents, per the New York Times.

49 Comments on Trump Announces He Will Likely Be Indicted For Jan6

  1. Why don’t they indict Trump for the St. Valentine’s Day Masacre and call it good. That way they they could execute him and be rid of him. I am sure Trump has been to Chicago so that is all the evidence they need. That would make almost as much sense.

    While they’re at it, why don’t they indict Schumer for inciting that guy who went to Kavanaugh’s home with the intent to kill him?

  2. Donny’s attempt to stop the Georgia charges failed. Georgia charges will happen after this indictment. I see Donny starting to have sleeping problems along with a lot of all caps Tweets.

  3. They sent him a message, report to the grand jury or else. Side bar, even if he reports he’ll be indicted, they’re just seeing if he’ll talk to help their case. Normally he never follows his lawyers advice & incriminates himself, he just can’t help it.


    I understand that trope has a lot of adherents on this site but I find it distracting and a bit of a cop-out.

    Getting the right person in the WH and regaining the levers of power in DC can have a remarkable effect on all things important; our economy, foreign policy, closing the border, and most importantly, giving the power back to the people.

    I, for one, am sick and tired of losing. THE most important factor in determining who will be the Republican nominee is picking the guy who has the best chance of winning, period.


    You can’t even follow your own advice since you read mine, how funny.

    I will continue to read (and respond) to any post I want because, unlike you, I don’t take this personally.

  6. I’m not complaining about what you wrote jack ass. You’re void of logic.

    And by the way, if your referring to that guy from Florida as the right guy, well it’s doubtful he will qualify for the first debate. Same with Fat Boy, and Pence. Turns out the RNC has this rule that you need 40K private, individual donors to qualify for the debates. That guy from Florida only has 18K. All with last names like Bush and Krotch.

  7. “’m not complaining about what you wrote jack ass. You’re void of logic.”

    It sounds like you ARE complaining by labeling it ,”void of logic”, so what did I write that was illogical?

    “if your referring to that guy from Florida as the right guy”

    Nope, so reference whatsoever to anyone, hence, me not mentioning any names. But, much like the libs in 2016 who saw Russians under every bed, your unhealthy fixation with RDS is mock-worthy.

  8. “Nope, so reference whatsoever to anyone, hence, me not mentioning any names.”

    Yea, right.

    Well, I covered three of them. You must be on the Nikki Haley band wagon now. No? Mock away.
    I have a second choice too. Let’s see if we agree. Doubtful.
    Have you texted Loco yet asking for his help?

  9. “I have a second choice too. Let’s see if we agree. Doubtful.”

    Don’t tell me, Liz Chaney, Adam Kinzinger? That is some heavy lifting, for sure.

    So who is your second choice?

  10. Vivek is very liable and accomplished, one smart dude, but running a business is nothing like running the government. It could only work if he did what Trump didn’t, surround himself with capable experienced people and not sycophantic hero-worshippers.

    All Trump supporters should have a second choice just in case health or legal issues derail him. I saw a recent picture of him on the golf course, wow, no more Rosy Odonnell jokes for him.

  11. ” but running a business is nothing like running the government. It could only work if he did what Trump didn’t,”

    But it should be. And the SWAMP prevents that. It’s to profitable for the select few. Trump has finally admitted he made some bad hires. It was the only portion of the Maria Bartiromo interview that didn’t cause me concern.
    For me, Vivek is saying a lot of the right things. Trumps still the guy that’s done battle with the beast and knows what to expect. I dunno.
    The problem is, I honestly don’t think THERE’S ANY WAY WE VOTE OUR WAY OUT OF THIS. They control everything. And what’s worrisome is they’re not even trying to hide it anymore. They don’t care.

  12. “2nd choice?
    fuck you!
    how long we going to vote the lesser of 2 evils?”

    This attitude is part of the problem. The SWAMP became the SWAMP by applying consistent pressure, advancing a little at a time until they had total control. Any body here that thinks your going to get it back by casting a vote one time is rowing with one oar.

  13. I think Trump’s big problem was not in hiring sycophantic hero-worshippers, but instead he tried to pick the best of what is in DC. Turns out everyone in DC is compromised and he ended up with more traitors than allies.

  14. @Joe6

    Let’s take a little stroll down memory lane; John Bolton, Chris Christie, Rex Tillerson, Jim Mattis, John Kelly………none of those guys were “DC”. Yes, Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr were but nowhere is it written that a president must pick appointees within one mile radius of the WH.

  15. Rich, maybe they weren’t DC, but they are damn sure swampers. I should have been more inclusive for all the TRAITOROUS BASTARDS and acknowledged where they come from.

  16. “As we take your queen. Checkmate.”

    Wrong game dip shit. Besides the only queens around are ugly dudes with little dicks that like to dress up like women and perform sexual acts in front of children. And they’re all your side. You should be proud of them.

  17. All and I mean all of the Presidents top picks need to go through the gang of 8 to even get a hearing from the full Senate.
    That is why President Trump was hamstrung from day one.
    That is how we got Barr and many others.
    If they were not advisers they had to go through the gang of 8,
    who were the gang of 8 in 2016 Ryan, Pelosi, Mitch, Schumer,Schiff,Burr, Nunes,Feinstine.
    If one of them say no vote its over for his pick.
    That is the real deep state.
    Protecting their racket.
    P. Trump was disrupting there money making.
    So he had to go. end of story.

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