Leftists Let Loose With Racial Epithets After Black Woman Switches to the GOP – IOTW Report

Leftists Let Loose With Racial Epithets After Black Woman Switches to the GOP

How dare a (insert leftist epithet for a POC) wander off the leftist plantation!!!!??!!

Don’t force them to tell the truth about how they feel about y’all. You won’t like it. Best you stay in your place, under the boot of the left.

Komo News-

Georgia state Rep. Mesha Mainor reports receiving an influx of racist hate mail after switching from the Democratic Party to the GOP earlier this month.

Mainor, who has served as a Democrat in the Georgia General Assembly since 2020, made the decision to leave the party earlier this month after finding herself at odds with her Democratic colleagues and constituents for months. Tensions erupted earlier this year when she stood alone as the only Democrat to support a school voucher bill.


I would like to help your retarded black a** by telling you. That saying you would support any candidate picked by the GOP during the primary is retarded. Not only is is retarded you live up to the word n****r by just following blindly. Remember you were a Democrat and “felt abandoned” to become a Republican, and now you’re going to follow blindly like you did with your party. You’re the stain on society that needs to be flushed. I wish you the absolute worst in your political history. You Uncle Tom b****.


You dumb** aunt Jemima mother f***ing traitor! I will be sure to take a good chunk of my retirement savings, which is substantial, and will donate it to whoever it is that will be running against you, you self-hating black negress b****. Oh, yo’ll see come 2024 how I will help to make sure you are defeated! Go run in a Republican confederate district that loves self-hating n****rs lie you!


Convincing conservatives and their dips*** children to commit suicide is the greatest service one can offer humanity.


F*** you c**n, you monkey b****, you wanna be a party traitor and go under Brian Kemp’s whip because he offered you more yams and collards? You are despicable and poplar might serve you well.


Mainor shared several other emails – some making lascivious references and others suggesting that she was better suited to the type of work slaves had done on plantations. In her response to each, Mainor began by saying, “I’m sorry you feel that way …”

In another tweet Mainor noted that her values and principles had not changed in the least. “An ‘R’ next to my name doesn’t change who I am. Priorities: education, public safety, jobs, healthcare, and senior resources,” she said, challenging her critics to watch how she voted going forward before they attacked her.

12 Comments on Leftists Let Loose With Racial Epithets After Black Woman Switches to the GOP

  1. Leftists are such lovely, liberal-minded, caring, kindly and well-spoken, tolerant people, aren’t they? And those are only the ones who openly ‘wished her well’ in her new political party.

    I think I will take a look at her campaign website and see about donating

  2. I posted a couple days ago that I had just read an article by some org akin to the AMA. Could have been the AMA but the article stated that new studies reveal that an astonishing 42 to 58 percent of the population walks around with out any active thoughts being processed. In other words they just shut their minds totally off. These have got to be Libtards. It all makes sense. Joe6pak said he’d read it too. I looked and couldn’t find it. Maybe he can.

  3. Well, she did have the temerity to step off the Demonrat Plantation.

    Her “Priorities: education, public safety, jobs, healthcare, and senior resources …” make me suspect that she isn’t remotely conservative, IF her priorities are dependent upon gov’t largesse.
    If, on the other hand, she’s looking to strengthen the citizens’ grips on these issues – choice in education and healthcare, public sector job creation through lower taxes and regulation, allowing the police to police to support public safety, and freeing old people from the chimera of Socialist Security and the scam of Medicare as a response to “senior resources” she might have something going.

    Hope for the best; prepare for the worst.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Brad, I looked for that darn article, could not find it. In looking I found a condition called Aphantasia that is the inability to create an image in the brain. That’s similar, but the article you referred to describes people walking around without a thought in their head.

  5. I believed the Lord said; He’s more concerned about the sheep that strayed than the rest of the herd….Something like that.

    I’m guessing the liberals love to follow scripture when it may tug at the heart strings of US, their professed enemy.

  6. Anyone who’s ever been around the sonsabitches knows what to expect from Democrats. It is no different with Democrats of today and the liberties they took in assuming to know what is best for black people in the antebellum days.

  7. The schools in her district have a whopping 3% of students that test on grade level. She ran on a platform of improving the education in her district as her number one priority. She had hit every road block out there to keep her campaign promise. All of those road blocks were put in place by democrats.

    I see here as a newly minted RINO. Time will tell if she has embraced conservative values. We can only hope

    BTW: I am an ATL native.


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