Buddy Rich versus Ed Shaughnessy – IOTW Report

Buddy Rich versus Ed Shaughnessy

This was a big deal in 78. They hyped it for a couple of weeks.

24 Comments on Buddy Rich versus Ed Shaughnessy

  1. Back when we were late teens to twenty or so we had a buddy that imagined himself to be a drummer. Back in those days it wasnโ€™t unusual for the band to ask if anyone in the crowd felt up to playing a song or two with the band. Marty could not wait for these opportunities. He would start off being a good band member, then gradually heโ€™d start freelancing. Before you knew it heโ€™d be in a full blown drum solo. The band wouldnโ€™t know what to do and the bouncer would ultimately have to take Marty off the stage. That was always so funny, we loved it!

  2. That’s funny joe6.
    Reminds me, I was at Tootsies Orchid Lounge (Country bar, one in Nashville too) in Panama City Beach years back and they have a sign up for many of the live bands, “Free Bird requests = $100”
    Some guy with a wedding group paid the band 500 bucks to play Free Bird on the condition that he played drums.
    It was so much fun because the audience loved it and the band was thrilled.
    The band’s drummer flirted with the bartender near me during the entire 10 minute song.
    I had forgotten about that.
    Good times!

  3. @ LocoBlancoSaltine at 1:13 am,

    If I NEVER hear freebird again, it will be too soon….


  4. I got called out in 7th grade back about 1965-66 by my teacher Mr. Messex because I was bored and was drumming my fingers on my desk and told to “Knock it off Ringo.” Mr. Messex was also one of my dad’s gas station customers, and embarrassed the hell out of me in class when he first saw me and said that he remembered me when I was just a little kid and knee high to a grasshopper when he saw me at my dad’s gas station one time when I was a small kid.

  5. It would be great to have a drum-off between Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich.

  6. Geoff: In high school I had a really old-style teacher. When she died, her name was read into the Congressional Record.

    I had her for German for two years then for Government (Civics) when I was a senior. On the first day of Government she did roll. She got to one guy and said, โ€œI taught your parents in 1947.

    The guy wished he could find a rock to climb under.

    Another story about her. There was a football rally at the field. This was on a Friday during the school day. The guys in the sound booth were supposed to play something from the Woodstock album. I forgot what they were supposed to play, but they played this instead:


    She wasnโ€™t just mad because it was played, but she was irate because she thought the entire student body had joined in even though hardly anybody โ€” if anyone โ€” did. We spent the entire class convincing her that it was recorded at Woodstock and the crowd joining in was on the record, not the students at the rally. That would have been Fall, 1971.

    Yeah those guy got suspended.

  7. RadioMattM, my best friend and I were at People’s Park in Bezerkley in August 1972 when we hitchhiked from Portland down to San Francisco and saw a free concert with Country Joe and the Fish singing that song and yelling eff Nixon, also at that concert were Jesse Colin Young and the Youngbloods and Asleep At The Wheel, (I love western swing music). 3 weeks later I had joined the Navy and my best friend the following Spring in 1973. He served 30 years in the Navy and retired as a Master Chief Petty Officer. That was the last blowout of our youth, my kids don’t believe me when I tell them that story, but it did really happen. I also made the mistake once of playing the Woodstock album loud on my stereo just as my mom was coming home from work and walking in the door and she heard Country Joe yelling “Gimme a F” and I didn’t turn it down fast enough and she smacked me across the face as hard as she could and knocked me clear across the room. I learned that day not to piss off my mom like that ever again. And she was right, and I was being a 17-year-old dumbass.

  8. Pete Seeger was banned by CBS in 1969 for wanting to sing the Fish Cheer on the Smothers Brothers Comedy show. Censorship of ideas and opposing worldviews contrary to public opinion was just as much of a problem back than as it is now and probably even more so under J Edgar Hoover as head of the FBI.


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