You Get What You Vote For, Pal – IOTW Report

You Get What You Vote For, Pal

I feel bad for the 5 or 6 people who voted for the right in San Francisco. Everyone else? They can go pound… cake.

Suddenly, people are whining about the conditions in the city. What did you think was going to happen when you voted in progressives? Were you too stupid to see ahead where these “feel good” and “open-minded” policies would lead?

My guess is yes.


The San Francisco gallery owner who was recorded hosing down a homeless woman camped out on the sidewalk and later charged with battery over the incident is speaking out. In a piece at the Wall Street Journal, Collier Gwin admits he lost his temper and shouldn’t have sprayed the woman—but, he says, the video of the incident doesn’t capture “the frustration and helplessness of my neighbors and me,” nor his “anger at what the city has become.” The “mentally ill” woman had, he explains, left “an unsanitary mess” in front of his art gallery, not for the first time, then refused to move so he could clean it up. This after reports of her stealing things, defecating, and performing sex acts on herself in front of nearby businesses, and screaming and spitting at people on the street.

San Francisco officials, he says, aren’t doing anything to help when incidents like this arise. “For weeks we had done the right thing. We called the police and social services 50 times over 25 days—exactly as instructed by Mayor London Breed. Everyone who showed up told us they couldn’t move the woman, no matter what she was doing to herself and the community,” he writes. “Does anyone realize how dire the situation is in San Francisco?” He says that, likely only because of the media attention, the woman was eventually taken to a hospital, but she’s reportedly now back on the streets. He now realizes “most of the efforts of the police and social services—not to mention the hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars spent on homelessness—are wasted. Ordinary people aren’t equipped to deal with these types of problems.”

25 Comments on You Get What You Vote For, Pal

  1. Phukkim. If elections were held today this dumb shit would make sure every damned liberal in office was reelected. San Francisco democrats have incurable voting habits. Defund everything in SFO except Police and Fire. There is no hope. Every tax dollar spent there is a waste of money.

  2. “… the hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars spent on homelessness—are wasted.”
    ain’t necessarily so
    the people that allowed that money to be spent, and their friends/cronies, are very thankful for their bulging pockets
    it is a racket
    pelosi and feinstein- what would anyone expect?

  3. someone should do a cost/benefit analysis of whether it would be more economical to get feinstein a ‘steven hawking’ model wheelchair, whereby she could drive herself around, rather than paying a salaried government employee to push her around. I doubt she could even do that.

  4. Two things can be true at once; loony leftists who vote for progressive policies have ruined one of the crown jewels of the west coast, and, hundreds of small business owners are having their livelihoods robbed from them, through no fault of their own.

    TBH, I’m surprised he only got 35 hours of community service, a white male business owner is the exact demographic that these DAs go after.

  5. There is a insane asylum facility located about 20 miles from me. The complex covers thousands of acres and has enormous buildings that were built in the 40s and 50s. It seems almost unused now but they keep the grounds and buildings well maintained. There is a reason places like that were built and why society was nice back then but a complete cluster now.

  6. Left for California in ’79.
    Sold most everything I owned and went to start a new life.
    Morning after we got there, Concord, Ca., we went to San Francisco, Chinatown and all the tourists stuff.
    That’s when I saw my first trans or cross dressing person and freak shows in Berkley area.
    Made a vacation out of it and flew back to Michigan to start over.

  7. TonyR,
    THERE he is, Anon 10:26am, spouting his/her/its usual nonsensical drivel.
    Let’s all laugh at the loon.

  8. Many wonderful things can happen at night, under cover of the dark.
    Such as…..annoying people just…..”disappearing”…..
    Sudden fires, oh so cleansing…….
    Annoying people being annoyed themselves, and moving on, away from you (you don’t care where).

  9. Vigilantism is the only solution. Nobody will do what’s necessary: Open up and refill the insane asylums, arrest and throw the book at criminals, lower the threshold for felony shoplifting and prosecute them.

  10. There ought to be a law. Once a city has reached “shit hole” status, none of the residents are permitted to move out of that city unless they give up their voter rights.

  11. Ordinary people aren’t equipped… nonsense. Ordinary people are well equipped to deal with the scummy residue of the state’s enabling, we’re just prevented from doing so by… the state.

    Hosing down the sidewalk in front of my business is an act of devotion. The feces spewing degenerate on that sidewalk will catch on quickly as I maintain the cleanliness of my sidewalk. Only state intervention will stop my devoted cleaning of my sidewalk. -note- State refers to government of whatever jurisdictional level.

    Since the communists have control of the mechanisms of voting it is highly unlikely citizens can vote anyone not approved by the established cadre into office, though it may be possible the citizens actually did vote for the psychotics running things.

  12. A few years back I got my wife to take a picture of me Tebowing directly across the Montgomery Street in front of the Scientology building. Back then, that location had not been listed on the “poop map.”


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