Some College Students Spit the LGBTQ Rainbow Pill Right Back at Academia – IOTW Report

Some College Students Spit the LGBTQ Rainbow Pill Right Back at Academia

Daily Caller

Oregon State University students drew backlash from university researchers after posting mocking responses on a survey regarding LGBTQ students, according to Friday reporting by Fox News.

The university’s research team claims 50 of 349 responses to the survey were “slurs, hate speech, or direct targeting of the research team.” The researchers have used the responses to exmaine “engineering culture,” and have linked them to the purported, “rise of online fascism.” More

16 Comments on Some College Students Spit the LGBTQ Rainbow Pill Right Back at Academia

  1. Why are institutions allowing those who choose to live fantasy lives disrupt others who are attempting to get an education and actually contribute to society? Thanks to far left “leadership” this country is the laughing stock of the entire world. Our rapid decline is due to excessive tolerance of the obviously mentally ill and attention whores who make up the sexually confused community.

  2. As a technician, I don’t often agree with “Modern Engineering” but even they understand that Square Wheels Don’t Roll.

    Basically, the Fruit Loop disciplines aren’t on the same page as STEM & Economics/Accounting. My Son (econ) only hangs out with the stem & Commerce students at Uni.

    They party like Bastages!

  3. This afternoon I listened to Dennis Prager’s testimony to the ASU board regarding the 37 leftist professors who signed a letter objecting to Prager’s invitation to speak on campus which resulted, I believe, in him being cancelled there.

    His presentation to the committee was a thing of beauty and stated in his signature acerbic, at times deceptively guileless, style. Using the same description of the left used by other pundits, Prager has a way of making them sound particularly heinous. And his surgical use of the “f” word stung like a hornet.

    Watch it if you have time.

  4. What is being taught and evaluated in too many instances is to accept programming and one’s willingness to accept programming. That is particularly dangerous in engineering. Engineering is about being able to evaluate data and them calculate probability. The model they want is being willing to accept what one is told. We have seen it play out in Global Warming and on a speeded up timeline in Covid. You are to accept the conclusion of ”experts” and God forbid you ask any questions about the methodology or to examine the data. If you do, you are a labeled a “denier.”

    This crosses all disciplines in the engineering profession as it currently exists. One of their favorite tricks is to have a person of color as front person and heaven help you if you don’t swallow what they say whole and reserve the right to withhold comment pending further investigation. Then you are not only a denier, you are a racist denier. At the top are those who win, place or show in the Intersectionality Derby. If they can come up with a black, lesbian, trans, single mother to front the effort…

    You do the math.

  5. I did some detention rooms for middle schools. A little room in the classroom, sound insulation, padded walls, one way door. Start ‘em off young with the prison mentality. The education establishment is the tip of the spear in leftist insanity. A prison in the classroom is how they handle dissidents. Of course, the cell is for students who are acting out, can’t bring themselves under control. They’ve been raised up by the system that is imprisoning them so there’s that.

    Mock them, troll them, calling all students, tear them up with words!

  6. Kcir — JDHasty posted the correct link. Enjoy!

    (I really enjoyed Prager until I saw him on a panel with Hugh Hewitt and Alistair Begg talking about Christianity. Unfortunately, Prager is steering Christians wrong on fundamental doctrine. Way wrong.)


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