Devon Archer Testifies Before Oversight Committee Accompanied By A Lawyer Whose Firm Was Associated With Hunter Biden – IOTW Report

Devon Archer Testifies Before Oversight Committee Accompanied By A Lawyer Whose Firm Was Associated With Hunter Biden


Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s former business partner appeared Monday to give closed-door testimony before the House Oversight Committee for its ever-expanding investigation into the Biden family businesses. 

Archer, whom Hunter called his best friend in business, served with Hunter Biden on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma

Congressman James Comer, the GOP chairman of the Oversight Committee, issued a subpoena to Archer in June, and his testimony dates were changed several times.

Nevertheless, Archer is on Capitol Hill.  

Comer has claimed Archer has “played a significant role in the Biden family’s business deals abroad, including but not limited to China, Russia, and Ukraine.” 

Republicans lawmakers and staff at Monday’s transcribed interview are expected to ask Archer about several business meetings and conversations Hunter Biden had during which it has been claimed Hunter invoked his father’s name, put his father on the phone during business meetings with their partners, and when the then Vice-President Joe Biden met with their foreign business partners.  read more

7 Comments on Devon Archer Testifies Before Oversight Committee Accompanied By A Lawyer Whose Firm Was Associated With Hunter Biden

  1. My opinion(which means nothing in the scheme of things) is Archer is just as crooked as the rest of the Bidens and he’s just out for revenge so he will leave the worst parts out he was involved in.

  2. My thesis is the declination of the plea deal was a clear message to the Pedo that it is over. No more rubber stamp from DOJ or the judge. The cabal has spoken.

    Notice he immediately went to Deleware for another ten days of fucking off, not a single campaign related effort in those 10 days.

    He knows it’s over because he knew it was never real, he has just given up knowing he was only marking time for the Wookie anyway. Now he’s not even going through the motions.

    DOJ put up a token threat that Archer promptly blew off, and all it did was blow back in Garlands face.

    Archer will not incriminate himself, he is there only to authenticate the bank records and link the Pedo to the whole sordid mess.

    The Biden Crime Family has been exposed directly in the Demonrats faces. The air cover will quickly dry up abd the rats will jump ship.

    He will be gone before May at this point. Commieliar will be Resident and pardon the whole corrupt mafia. She will then get her lifetime protection, benefits, and offshore payoff to step aside for Manchelle and Gavin Loathesome…

    The Bidens are as arrogant as they are stupid, a bad combination. Do you think for a minute Hillezelbub would have let Archer or Bobalinski live?

    Look for Pedo to resign for health reasons very soon.

  3. This whole sordid affair smells of shit. The clown show of legal proceedings we’re being shown is bogus. From 2 posts back:
    ” Hunter Biden, the disgraced son of President Joe Biden, was supposed to become a convicted criminal on Wednesday.” Ed Zachary….by having the judge act pissy and throw out the deal, he still has a clean record. Now we can fuck around for months, sidetracked by aliens, squirrels, trannies, etc. ad nauseum, until either Joe and Hunter are both granted pardons by whomever is installed next, or something bigger pushes this to back pages. (another blatantly stolen election, escalation in Ukraine, or race war/civil war here) And don’t think for a minute that Pedo’s influence peddling will EVER amount to anything. Like DJT said, he’s a dumb son of a bitch, and there’s no way he could mastermind the scam, he was just Barry’s bag man. He’ll have a paddleboard accident of his own before it gets anywhere near Chicago Jesus.


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