Take That, Bambi – IOTW Report

Take That, Bambi

Whiskey Riff

Nature is ruthless and equally as mesmerizing.

Exhibit 1: this bald eagle coming in hot and drowning a whitetail fawn

According to MeatEater, the video was captured at Lake Noquebay in Marinette County, Wisconsin. You know, up there past Green Bay.

A professor of conservation at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, told MeatEater contributor Pat Durkin that this eagle most likely has attacked fawns before More

25 Comments on Take That, Bambi

  1. This is a good video to show anti hunters.
    Nature is much more savage.
    A bullet would have been quicker with less suffering.

    On a side note, when my kids were little and saw a deer on tv they’d pretend to shoot it. 😊

  2. Nobody hunts deer anymore around here. They’ve become, “Garden Rats”. That’s right. Black Tails around here and they are way over populated. Their only natural enemy is the front bumper of a Tesla. At the local strip mall a half mile from my house, I’m driving int the parking lot and this is what I see on the side walk, a group of people and a space. Another group of people and a space. Four Deer and a space. Back to people. I live on 1 acre. Most around me live on five. The Garden Rats have become nocturnal. Until they go shopping.
    On the plus side, shit hits the fan, my family is eating well.

  3. Need some bald eagles around here to take out the vermin deer. Damn things are overpopulated. Right now there’s 6 of them chomping on my neighbor’s bushes. They aren’t scared of humans either and hang out in the street or right at the edge. You can walk right up to them and they start huffing. I keep my hand on my weapon. It’s going to take a little kid or a whiny progressive to get hooved to death before they do anything about it, my calls to thin the herd fall on deaf ears at county for the past 4 years, every year it gets worse. Whatcha gonna do, government knows best.

  4. Where I lived in AR, deer on my property, after hours, were freezer stock. Both my GSD and me love venison and no one said shit.

    I’ve been here in WA 2 years and these fucking deer are a royal pain in the ass. I need a suppressor for my Remington 600 or my Winchester 100 in .308 so my neighbors(fucking hate neighbors) don’t rat my ass off. I can drag it into my studio, bleed it out, skin and age it, all behind closed doors. Is such a thing possible Brad? Your gun rants are always closely followed by myself and this is unknown ground for me.

  5. nature is cruel, but it kills for a reason …. survival

    humans are much crueler, only humans kill for sport, power … or hate

    a sad commentary on the only creature created in the image of God

  6. If people learned that the deer suffer when they are overpopulated and are forced to eat evergreen trees instead of their normal foods, and die a miserable death from starvation, perhaps they would understand and approve of hunting and hunters …. naw, didn’t think so.

  7. MMinWA

    Honestly, my killing instrument of choice is a compound bow. You gotta try and spine them. You are suffering from Black Tails too. They’re becoming like pets. If the shit hits the fan those are damn tasty back straps. I would suggest anybody in our predicament to purchase a compound bow, even a cheap one. They are not inaccurate, and they are easy to shoot. A 40 lb pull will do the trick. Spend the money on the broad heads. There’s some available that even if you miss the spine you’ll bleed them out quick.

  8. I saw a documentary about Golden Eagles that had learned to go after mountain goats by knocking them off the rock face. The goat gets tenderized on the way down and the eagle gets an easy meal that would ordinarily be way too large to hunt successfully.

  9. “Honestly, my killing instrument of choice is a compound bow.”

    What are you saying? You’re too good for a claw hammer? YOU THINK YOU’RE BETTER n’ ME!?!?!

    No…no… you do you. None of my business how you deal death out in this dimensional plane.

    It’s just that hammers are hella’ fun.

  10. Lots and lots of cute little baby bunnies in the yard. And THEN…

    A Red Tail Hawk so large I initially though it was a yearling eagle that hadn’t been around long enough to get the white plumaged head (four years).

    Baby Bunnies, it’s what’s for breakfast.

    Going to be an uptick in yotes with the increase in wabbits…

    And the wife hates the damn deer as they play hell with her flowers


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